Horus Heresy Blood Angels Army Showcase: Wargame Terrain Factory

Blood Angel Feature rYou have to see this amazing and gigantic Horus Heresy Blood Angels army showcase from the maniacs at Wargame Terrain Factory!

Who doesn’t love a beautifully painted army? We sure do! This army from Wargame Terrain Factory is simply a thing of beauty. If you have a few minutes, you have to check out this great army. And if you want to take it a step further, they also have this army for sale.

They have so many amazing armies, terrain, and commissions, this is just one of many. If you want to check out what else they have, you have to check out their site. For now, though, let’s jump into this incredible army!

Horus Heresy Blood Angels Army Showcase:

Horus Heresy Blood Angel ArmyThis collection is just gigantic! If you’ve been looking to pick up an incredible looking army in one buy, this could be it if you have the extra cash lying around. If not, it’s still just amazing to look at! To see more of their works of art, check out what else they have going on.

Blood Angel Army 2Just imagine this army showing up on the field during the Horus Heresy! If you could get two armies this large and amazingly painted on the field together, you could live out the Horus Heresy!

Blood Angel ArmyThe other half of the army, simply amazing to look at. If this doesn’t get you excited about the new Blood Angels supplement coming out, we don’t know what will!


Blood Angel Feature


Blood Angel Army Close Up


Close Up Blood Angel


Close Up Blood Angel army


Wargame Factory TerrainThis army is simply stunning, if only we could paint like this… Even the terrain is amazing! Every single mini in this set is painted to such a high degree. Even every single mini has a specialized base to make it stand out even more!

That does it for this amazing showcase! Whether you can afford it or not, you have to admit this is just an amazing collection!

Check out Wargames Terrain Factory Here!