Imperial Agents Miniatures From Artel W!

Agent Virtue 2 FeatureBoost up your inquisitorial forces with these amazing new Imperial Agents from Artel W, also, why not throw Red Riding Hood in there?

The hobby maniacs at Artel W are not stopping on their quest to make some of the coolest minis out there! Of course, they couldn’t forget about the agents of the Imperium for too long. If you’ve been looking to add some muscle to your Inquisitorial forces, this is the release for you!

While all of their minis are awesome, these agents are super fun, affordable, and easy to build! If you are ever looking for great alternatives, you have to check Artel W out!

Agent Blank: $13.99

Agent Blank


Agent Blank 2Unfortunately, nobody likes Agent Blank, but he doesn’t mind it. It just makes doing his job hunting heretics all that much easier. He is a psychic null who is perfect for hunting down those pesky psykers. Since Artel W has so many incredible minis, why not go check out what else they have going on?

Agent Riding Hood: $14.99

Agent Red Riding hood


Agent Red Riding hood 2This is such an amazing adaptation of an old story! Just imagine throwing this lady down on the table, every wolf out there should be scared! We hope they keep up with this theme and do some more adaptations of really fun characters! All that said, this mini is amazing in its own right, even if it wasn’t based on an old story!

New Imperial Agents Virtue: $13.99

Agent Virtue 2


Agent VirtueShe uses her telekinetic powers to help the Inquisition wherever she can. Just because her mind is her most powerful weapon doesn’t mean she isn’t adept with endless weapons. When she catches the scent of a heretic, they have little chance of escape.

That does it for this one! If you’ve been looking for some amazing alternative minis, you have to check out what Artel W has to offer!

Grab Your Imperial Agents Here!