Mid Table Tryhard Gives Us the Truth About the Judiciar

Video Feature JudiciarThere’s only one reason you run the Judiciar, you want to win your first non-participation trophy. Mid Table Tryhard knows the truth!

We have something a little different for you today on the video side of things. If you’ve been looking for a good laugh, you have to watch this amazing video from Mid Table Tryhard! Not sure why this doesn’t have more views, because it is simply amazing.

Mid Table Tryhard seems to have a perfect grasp on why everyone is running the Indomitus Marines. Join us on this truthful and informative journey into the true psyche of all tryhards out there! We’ll give you the highlights but be sure to watch the video below as well if you need some satire in your life.

Mid Table Tryhard gives us the Truth About the Judiciar

Judiciar loreFlip to page 153 of your Space Marine book to see the unwanted love child of a Chaplain and an Emperor’s champion, that’s where the silent man himself lives.

TrophiesHe knows you’re only running this mini because you are tired of winning participation trophies at events. He knows because he is no different than the other tryhards out there. Because the only thing more OP than Space Marines is anything from the Indomitus box.

Giant Judiciar SwordThe first thing you notice is his giant sword of compensation, hoping no one notices his tiny hourglass. The robed compensator is an elite choice with some interesting special rules somehow related to his silence.

Standing too closeHe wants to introduce himself to his fellow Marines and the enemy, but he’s taken a vow of silence, so instead, he stands creepily close to everyone and just stares at them. Probably thinking about how he’s going to die alone and unloved in the Grimdark future.

The Compensator in a Game

Death GuardThey are hard fanboying hard on the G Dubs here and playing Ultramarines and Death Guard in this small 1 on 1 tourney. Everyone with minis left over from the Dark Imperium box, and a thirst for tournament glory beyond their skills, play Death Guard, don’t be mad about the truth.

Judiciar in battleRobert didn’t raise no bitch, so of course, he deploys the silent creep as far forward as possible. Just waiting to give out his brochures about the Corpse-Emperor to anyone who will take them. The literature giveaway turns violent fast because they just won’t look at the pertinent information on the brochures!

Judge Judy


Plague Marine R KellyBusiness is good on the battlefield for the head removing Judiciar as Judge Judy is a counter to the foul R. Kelly of the 40k universe. Judge Judy won’t let the freak ruin movie night for the rest of his Marines as he tries to spray them with all manner of nasty concoctions.

Battle Ultramarines vs. Death GuardHe even remembers, because he’s tryharding, to use his special rules and make the nasty Nurgle boys strike last. He swears this never happens (sounds like a tryhard making excuses).

The Effectiveness

Giant Judiciar SwordHe’s definitely worth picking up if you only play one friend in the basement who plays only Death Guard and you tailor your army to beat him. Because a win in the basement is worth three in the bushes or none in a tournament in your case!

Go subscribe to this hilarious channel and be sure to watch the full video above!

Do you have similar thoughts on tournament glory? How many participation trophies have you won?

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