All These GW January Releases Just Turned 1 Year Old

new-last-year-gwAll these GW January Releases came out just one year ago- take a look back at Warhammer in January of 2020!

Back when we had no idea how the hobby would be changed, this time last year saw a ton of releases from Games Workshop. Time to warm up your heart with some hobby love at the start of 2021! Also, if you still want to grab any of these releases, you can click on the header links as some are even still available on Amazon (just not all of them unfortunately by this point).

GW January 2020 Releases Week 1

Codex Adepta Sororitas

Adepta Sororitas Datacards

sisters datacards

Adepta Sororitas Dice

Sisters Dice

Battle Sister Squads


battle sisters multipart squad

Retributor Squads

Triumph of St. Katherine 


st katherine sisters of battle warhammer 40k open day 2019

GW January 2020 Releases Week 2

sm-battleforce-giveawayEnter Now: Win a Space Marine Battleforce!

Mortis EngineMortis Enging






Arco-flagellants detail




Exorcist detail



Judith Eruita

Judith Eruita

Ritual of the Damned

Ritual of the damned book warhammer 40k rules

Master Lazarus, Primaris Captain of the 5th Company

Dark Angels Lazarus Primaris

GW January 2020 Releases Week 3

Warcry Ogroid Myrmidon

ogroid myrmidon warcry

Warcry Warband: Spire Tyrants 

warcry spire tyrant 3


warcry spyre tyrant 2

Warcry Warband: Gloomspite Gitz

warcry warband gloomspite gitz

Warcry Warband: Stormcast Eternals

warcry warband stormcast eternals

Warcry Warband: Nighthaunts

warcry warband nighthaunt

 Warcry Terrain: Souldrain Forest

Necromunda: Subjugator Patrol

Necromunda enforcers

Corpse Grinder Cult

necromunda dark uprising 3

Corpse Grinder Cult Card Pack

Corpse Grinder Cult Dice Set

Space Marine Conquest: Fist of the Imperium (PB)

BL fists of the imperium

Warcry: The Anthology (PB)

BL warcry anthology

Horus Heresy: Wolfsbane (PB)

BL wolfsbane

Horus Heresy: Slaves to Darkness (PB)

BL slaves to darkness

GW January 2020 Releases Week 4

WHU: Wurmspat Warband

warhammer underworlds beastgrave wurmspat

Wurmspat Card Sleeves & Dice

Wutmspat sleeves and dice

WHU: Hrogthron’s Mantrappers Warband

Hrothgorn mantrapper


Hrothgorn mantrapper 2

Hrogthorn’s Card Sleeves & Dice 

Hrothgorn mantrapper dice

Soul Wars: Wrath of the Everchosen

Wrath of the everchosen

There you have all the GW January 2020 Releases! Pretty fun to look back and see where things have gone. Also, it’s fin to grab some of these old kits!

How many of these releases did you end up picking up? What was your favorite?

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