Centurion Warsuit Lore: When Your Armor Needs Armor

centurion art marineSometimes your armor just isn’t strong enough and needs its own suit of armor. Don’t worry, the Centurions make perfect use of this concept!

The history of these is a little cloudy since they were first invented during the Age of Apostasy. But when a Space Marine punches a hole in your chest while wearing this suit, it really doesn’t matter when they were invented… Today we’ll take a look at some of the first Chapters to adopt the Warsuits and see just how effective they were! Get out your bulkiest sweater (we’ll count it as serious armor) and let’s learn about some Centurion Warsuit lore!

Seeing Action for the First Time

space-marine-centurion feature rIt took some convincing (bribes…) to get the Adeptus Mechanicus to sanction the Warsuits for battle, but once they did two Chapters took the suits right away. You can probably guess which ones… Of course, it was the Iron Hands and Imperial Fists. They started using them back in the Age of Redemption and they really made an impact.

The suits are perfect for punching through heavily armored defenses and helping in the defense of your own fortifications. Both Chapters made great use of the suits as they perfectly complimented their Chapter Tactics. Initially, they assigned pilots from their Assualt Squads but later switched the pilots to members of Devastator Squads. Something about the accuracy or something like that.. who knows? But either way, with these new suits, they found a way to enforce the will of the Emperor across countless star systems.

The Imperial Fists started using the suits as the front line shock troops during their planetary assaults. They would come in from the orbital battle barges and just punch through, yes literally punch through any defense fortifications. When a Space Marine wearing another suit of armor punches through your wall, maybe it’s just time to give up all that Heresy nonsense. They weren’t just employed against Heretics either. Whenever a Xenos or Daemon incursion arrived, the Centurion Warsuits were there to repel them!

Godlike Status

CenturionThe Warsuits helped the Imperium all across the Galaxy, lose not so many casualties. Of course, there were casualties, just not as many as usual… They ripped open countless defenses and helped hold up the defenses of many more. Whatever planets they helped keep safe, the suits were enshrined in stained glass artworks and shrines everywhere. It didn’t take long for the other Chapters to take these Warsuits into their own armories. They couldn’t just let the Iron Hands and Imperial Fists get all the glory!

Learn More About Centurion Warsuits Here!