New 40k Fan Film Demo Trailer Even Includes Doom!

grey and doom sodazJust like Astartes, more Warhammer 40k short film trailer are popping up all the time made by fans and artists alike- this one even has a Doom Trooper!

YouTube channel Sodaz, published another dope 40k animated short film that any 40k player can be a fan of. This seems to be more of a demo/trailer. We’ll be going over the details but be sure you watch it all yourself! His Patreon members get to vote and the winner of the 4 themes get a full-scale video!

New 40k Fan Film Demo Trailer Even Includes Doom!


dkok sodazThe first project seems to be featuring Death Korps of Krieg, but we don’t know what against. There are some rounds being shot in the background. A unique project option for sure. Have you ever seen a Death Korps fan film made before? I haven’t!

space wolves sodazThe Second Project is unmistakably Space Wolves. However in a new direction, at least with the very short demo, there isn’t any war going on in the section. Perhaps this might be a more narrative approach?

imp fist sodazThe third demo in on Imperial fist and what appears to be a chase on speeders! This might be a continuation of the last video where they faced off against Iron Warriors…

daemon v grey sodazThe last project starts off with some bloodletters gathering to face off against something…

grey and doom sodazNone other than Grey Knights! Wait a minute, Doom Guy is here too! who better to make a cameo to help push back the plague of Daemons?

All of these would make for sweet films. If you want to vote, be sure to check out their Patreon to vote, and check out their YouTube for more great 40k videos! Be sure to check out the full video to see how it all plays out. It’s well worth the minute to watch.

What do you think of all the new rise in fan films popping up? What are some factions you’d like to see covered in an animated short? Which faction would win?

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