The Warmaster Titan Full Reveal From Games Workshop!

titan-warmaster-wal-hor-loyalist-legionsAn entire new Titan class is here as Adeptus Titanicus gets to add the Warmaster Titan, even bigger than the Warlord, to its battles!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW The Dead & The Divine Preview

the dead and the divineHot on the heels of our Christmas and New Year’s reveals we have the first Warhammer Preview Online of 2021 – The Dead and the Divine! This Saturday, we’ll be showing off new models and tantalising glimpses of the future, and it’s going to be a big one. We’ll be showing off new goodies for…

All the Latest GW Previews:

Adeptus Titanicus Warmaster

The Warmaster Titan is for those times when even a Warlord is not quite big enough. It’s armed with a revelator missile launcher and a pair of plasma destructors, meaning there’s nothing that can stand up to its devastating firepower. 

Old Titan ArtworkThis is an old piece by Jes Goodwin from his 2001 sketchbook GW published. Hey, having it turned into a mini 20 years later must mean you did a lot right! Once we start comparing this to the new pictures we’ve seen, you may see a striking resemblance.

This also wouldn’t be the first time they’ve done something like this. The Warlord Titan was also based on the old artwork (and models) then modernized to a new look in resin from Forge World.

Warmaster titanicus close


Warmaster titanicus 1As you can see, this model is massive compared to the other giant titans behind it. This is Titanicus, so it is a much smaller scale than the normal 40k, if this model ever makes it to the 40k scale, expect it to be 3 feet tall- bigger than a small child.

Warmaster titanicusIf you absolutely, positively have to destroy everything on the battlefield, you need the Warmaster Titan.

warmaster scaleBut just how BIG is the Warmaster? Take a look at it alongside its fellow god-engines, and you’ll see that even the word ‘mahoosive’ doesn’t quite do it justice.

warmaster detailsThis might be a Titanicus model, but it’s still packed with detail. It also might even work as an alternate model for a “normal” knight in 40k

warmaster full modelThis might be a smaller scale, but it is still a sweet model with plenty of potential for painters who just like big robots.  This base looks to be either the new 150mm oval for the Ork dragsters or perhaps the 170 oval that 40k Knights come on. THICC!

Adeptus Titanicus: Loyalist Legios Expansion

loyalist legiosAlso coming soon for Adeptus Titanicus is the new Loyalist Legios book. It’s packed with all of the rules and background for 16 Loyalist Titan Legions and 12 Loyalist Knight Households.

With more lore than ever before and a range of Loyalist-specific Titan upgrades and Stratagems, this book is all you need to end the civil war swiftly.

Expansions are always great for these specialist games, they add depth and new ways to play to keep the game fresh and fun with your friends.

How do you feel about a new knight? Do you play Titanicus? Are you excited?

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