Canoptek Spyders Lore: Mother off all Scarabs

40k-LORE--Necrons-wal-hor-titleWhile Canoptek Spyders may not be the scariest in combat, they are essential to keep the Necron society running like a semi-oiledmachine.

With the Necrons getting their final minis released, we wanted to take a look at one of the more interesting pieces of their society. If you love the idea of a giant metal spider birthing little metal baby Scarabs, well, this is the mini for you! Get out your best motherly outfit and let’s learn about some Canoptek Spyder Lore!

Canoptek Spyders: The Unsleeping Watchers

Canoptek Spyder LoreWhile the majority of Necrons just sleep Millenia away, the Spyders are ever vigilant and awake. Someone needs to keep the Tomb Worlds clean and running! They also keep watch for enemy intruders, if you see a Spyder rolling down the corridor on a distant unknown world, just run!

Even in the good days, the Tombs took constant work, now that they’re falling into disrepair, the Spyders’ work never stops. Imagine a task that never ends and where no one thanks you for doing it. They are responsible for keeping Necron society running almost more than anything, well, maybe a little less than the Tomb Mind.

Fighting & Birthing

C'tan LoreThey are sort of like the Necron’s version of an automated drone. Where the Imperium has some fairly simple ones, the Spyders are a thing of engineering beauty. Their main job is to keep things running, but when a fight does break out, they are quite the foe. They have similar propulsion to Necron Destroyers but are not nearly as lithe. Still, they can fly through battlefields or down corridors with surprising speed and agility. Making them quite scary to see on the battlefield.

Their vast array of tools to keep the Tomb Worlds alive make for perfect weapons as well. Where their back-up systems and self-repair make the enemies’ weapons basically useless unless you can destroy them in one massive blast. But, their main strength comes in the fact they can birth Scarabs! They can either be unleashed to repair nearby Necrons or swarm the enemy in a flow of unending metal. Being buried under a mountain of Scarabs is a fate you shouldn’t wish on your worst enemy! But the Necrons seem to take a certain metallic joy in it.

Learn More About Canoptek Spyders Here!