Get Your Legend of the Five Rings Cards While You Can!

Legend of the five Rings feature rThe Legend of the Five Rings LCG are going by the wayside soon, so grab your cards while they’re still in circulation.

Fantasy Flight Games announced that the story arc for the game is going to be completed on March 1st, meaning they will no longer be keeping up with the game. Basically, it’s a nice way of saying the game is no longer going to be supported. If you like the game, now is the time to grab the products, because before long they will be on the secondary market for much more.

This is a bit of a surprise because they only purchased the game about 5 years ago. Usually when a company invests in something they want it to run for much longer than that. But, whatever the reasons, this looks to be the last hurrah for the game!

Get Your Legend of the Five Rings Cards While You Can!

Legend of the five RingsAs you can see, stuff is already selling out of their store, but you can pick these up from a bunch of local stores. Just make sure to go to your favorite store soon before they are gone! Let’s hear a little from them about the coming end:

But it’s not over yet. Beginning on March 1, Fantasy Flight Games will celebrate the culmination of the Scorpion Clan Coup arc with the Battle of Cherry Blossom Snow, a series of story choices and fiction that will be open to the entire community. Your decisions will guide the samurai of the Great Clans in confronting the evil that the chaos of the coup allowed to rise. Stay tuned to our website for updates and to find out how to participate and determine the fate of the Emerald Empire.

A Really Fun Game

Legend of the five Rings 2If you never played, now may not be the best time to get into it… But the game has always been a really fun and challenging endeavor that didn’t take super long to play. It was purchased by FFG from AEG back in late 2015 and had a very tight-knit group of players, so this is sad to see. But sometimes it just happens!

One last time, just be sure to pick up the cards while you can! Don’t let the secondary market make you pay more!

Get Your Legend of the Five Rings Cards Here!