GW New Model Mondays Starts Tomorrow!

GW just announced a new (hopefully) weekly feature called New Model Mondays that starts tomorrow!

Warhammer Community just unveiled a model silhouette in preparation for the New Model Mondays.

Looks like the first part of the week will be full of fun speculation with New Model Mondays and Rumor Engine Tuesdays back to back!

Check out the details of the upcoming teasers from GW.

GW Announced New Model Mondays

new model monday 2-28This week also brings you the first of a new series of articles right here on Warhammer Community that will give you your first look at some of the models you’ll be painting soon. Check back tomorrow for your first New Model Monday, and to whet your appetite, here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll be revealing. What could it be?

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At first glance it looks a little slender, so Orks/Orruks are out of the question. That greatsword is looking pretty elegant, so perhaps it belongs to an AoS Human or Aelf. It’s a little more difficult to settle on one, but AoS is certainly a safe bet considering the nature of the simple weapon.

black ark fleetmasterThis old Dark Aelf Fleetmaster model looks about the same size and pose, however, the teaser looks a little more like a High Aelf/Lumineth variant due to the plume and Greatsword. Maybe it could be an upcoming release that comes with Broken Realms: Teclis?

Of course, there is an Aquila in the background too, so we probably should not rule out Warhammer 40k in general.

Either way, we will find out tomorrow!

What do you think this is? Do you think it could be for an Aelf release?

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