Hooves of Darkness: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horWe’ve got a solid GW rumor engine that looks like a mount for the Slaves to Darkness, so get your thinking caps ready and dive in!

Warhammer Community just unveiled one more rumor engine and this time it looks like a horse for one of the more evil factions. Check out the details of the hooves of darkness that look to be on the way for 40k or AoS.

Hooves of Darkness: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor EngineWell, this one doesn’t have quite as much mystery as some of the other rumor engines we’ve seen lately, but it does raise a few questions. Who will it be for and could it be part of a big release? Well, first we think it’s for the Slaves to Darkness Chaos Knights. Secondly, it looks like Be’lakor is coming soon so that only bodes well for the boys of Chaos in AoS to get a big release.

Chaos KnightThe current knights have some more spikes on their horses, but the shape and shoe are almost identical. When you think about how old all the knights and marauder horsemen are for the Slaves to Darkness, we wouldn’t mind seeing some new minis! While honestly, these could be for any faction that rides horses, there’s just something about the little scar and the horseshoe that makes it hard to think any other way. Or it could just be the fact that we’ve recently seen Be’lakor and can only think about all the releases that are going to come along with him!

Anyway, hopefully, we know sooner than later!

What do you think this is? Do you think it could be for a wave of new Salves to Darkness releases?

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