RUMORS: GW Changing To New 40k Flyer Flight Stands

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopCheck out these “new” styled 40k flight stands that were hidden in plain sight on the latest Warhammer 40k releases…

The current “x” flight stands have been around for a while now, starting with the Valkyrie kit in 2007/8.  However, now it looks like GW may be changing them up with the releases of 9th? This newer style was first seen in the Archaeopter kit, but now we spotted it in the new Doom Scythe kit.

That could mean they will be updating all the old kits over to the new stand when they rerelease all the fliers. The old ones are still available for sale on the site, but that could just be them getting rid of the old stock. Plus since Games Workshop already produces these it could be a very easy transition to the new style.

If you play Age of Sigmar, and more specifically Idoneth Deepkin, You’ve seen something these before as well. It would be interesting if the flight stands for both AoS and 40k were finally the same.

RUMORS: GW Changing To New Large 40k Flyer Flight Stands


Here is the stand that came in the box. This actually seems to be the stand that the Doom Scythe is coming within all their boxes now and not just the Battleforce. Because the pictures on GW actually show it with this now on most of the pictures. It’s not nearly as beefy, which is both good and bad, but let’s just hope you aren’t so rough on your minis that you will break something with a little less beefiness to it.

New 40k Flight StandOne other difference is instead of the giant cross on the top of the stand, you get an additional piece to make the connection. So it still connects the same way in essence, meaning even all the old sculpts can use this with the additional connector piece. So since they don’t even have to change sculpts to make it work, it would be very feasible for every new box to come with one of these instead of the old style. The look is just way different, but it seems less intrusive and gives you a more realistic feeling of flying.

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Updated on the Site/Codexes

Doom scytheThey have already updated the pictures on the site for the Doom Scythe to have the new stand, but still have a couple with the old picture as well. That shouldn’t mean much, just that they didn’t want to update every picture.

Old Style Still Available


Stormraven Gunship What’s interesting, almost all of the other flyers still have the old stand, even something like the Stormraven. While tons of the Marine stuff has been updated, this kit hasn’t so maybe that’s why it still has the old style. That makes it hard to tell if they will just give this to some kits or all of them.

Old Flight StandThe old-style is still available to buy in the store, while the newer one isn’t. Again, this could just be them clearing out inventory. No one wants all the old inventory just laying around… Also, we’ll have to see if any fliers get updated with the Dark Eldar release or if they keep the same style.

It’s Already in 40k

admech archaeopter 3With this already out there it seems more likely, once they get rid of the old stock, these will be the standard moving forward. Since they have it production-ready, the move to all new stands would be an easy one.

Smaller Flying Stands

Blood Angel SpeederThe Stormspeeder looks to be the first 40k kit to use the smaller thicker flying stand that we have already seen in Age of Sigmar for the Idoneth Deepkin.

new flying stands warhammer 40k

This stem measures about 3″ high and has a different profile depending on which way you choose for it to be “forward”

LeviadonThis is the same stand, just put in the opposite way. So it would be nice if you can use the same flight stands for all of your collections and it would streamline the process for GW.

custodes standsEditor’s Note: Magnet Baron makes a ton of hot-swappable magnet stands that are 100% removable for storage, and support the weight of the heaviest Forge World vehicles. Stormspeeder Stand on a custodes bike (above).

Be sure to check them out at this link.

It’s nothing too crazy or game-changing, just something interesting to think about!

Do you like the look of the newer stand? Have you used it for Your Doom Scythe? How has it held up? 

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