Screamers of Tzeentch Lore: Riding the Waves of Time

Armies-on-Parade-Lore-40k-tzeentch-titleScreamers, like anything Tzeentch, are totally mysterious to the small minds of humanity. How do they fly? It doesn’t really matter.

These crazy beasts leave blurring lines of change as they fly through every type of atmosphere or dimension. And sometimes, if a champion really strikes the fancy of Tzeentch they will be granted one of the Screamers fashioned into a flying disk. That just doesn’t seem right, you serve Tzeenth for Millennia only to be turned into a futuristic hoverboard. Oh well, get out your favorite stingray friend, and let’s learn about some Screamers of Tzeentch lore!

Screamers of Tzeentch : Flying Through Anything

Tzeentch ScreamersThe shocking resemblance these bear to Manta Rays may or may not be a coincidence. Who knows where the Daemons of Tzeentch get their inspiration from. All we know is they are freaky and are glad Mantas can’t leave the water. It is not known to the tiny brains of the Imperium how these fly through the air, but the answer is simple, the magic of Tzeentch! They can navigate through almost any space, immaterial voids, or atmosphere. 20 times the gravity of earth? No problem!

As they roam around a battlefield, they leave giant trails of change behind them that can change the colors or very fabric of the air. But the most annoying thing about them could be the deafening screams they emit as they swoop around the world. You may ask, what are the cute little guys up to when they aren’t fighting? They just roam around The Warp in giant groups looking for prey to bring back to their master. How nice…

Becoming a Flying Board

Tzeentch screamer Lore

The Screamers often have some of the strangest fates of any Daemon. When a champion really catches the fancy of Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways will take one of his Screamers and fashion them into a flying disc. So every time you see a Sorceror riding a disc, know at one point it was a poor little Screamer, not someone’s footrest.

We can only imagine the transformation is extremely painful. Because they must first be molded into a new shape with metal, magic, and bone before they are deemed ready to ride. Who doesn’t want to ride around a magical hoverboard? So we would probably take one if we could. Once they are molded they are then bound for life to the new riders and have a new life as a magic carpet for the denizens of Tzeentch.

Learn More About Screamers of Tzeentch Here!