Space Marines Bladeguard Veterans & Eradicators Unboxing

Space marine eradicators feature rDon’t miss our unboxing of the Space Marines Bladeguard Veterans & Eradicators as we compare them and tell you the GOTCHAS!

This week we are unboxing the new wave of Space Marines that just came out and see what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop. Rob goes over the Bladeguard Veterans & Eradicators, compares them to other Marine models, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course comparisons.  That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!

Space Marines Bladeguard Veterans & Eradicators Unboxing

Get Yours For Less From Amazon (Bladeguard), (Eradicators), or Dicehead Games!

Eradicators or blade guard veteransHere are the boxes we’re going to take a look at today! Let’s get into it.

Combat Patrol

Dark angels Combat patrolRob isn’t really going to unbox this one just take a look at the value. But if you want to check out the value for the box, you can check it out here!

Bladeguard Veterans

Bladeguard VeteranThese have been fairly anticipated and they run for about $50. So fairly pricey compared to other minis, but pretty on par with what they’ve been doing.



Bladeguard Veteran 2These are multi-part and not ETB, hopefully, these are far more posable than the Intercessors, which were almost identical to the ETB ones. Right off the bat though, from the instructions, they look like they have a ton of bits and poses. The instructions are pretty well laid out with everything color coated to the pose you want. Each does have a ton of bits and about three poses each. So just pay attention to the color you’re working on you should be good.

Bladeguard Veteran spruesThe sprues look very detailed and it looks like each guy is laid out on its own with a ton of different head options to pick from. You can tell they really spent a lot of time to get this sprue layout looking good.

Bladeguard Veteran built


Bladeguard Veteran built 2You can throw the Storm Shield on the back if you want to have them more dynamically posed. Overall, way better looking than the Assault Intercessors box and much more dynamically posed.

ETB compariosnWhen compared to the ETB ones from Indomitus (right), these are a little more flowing and dynamic, but the ETB guys definitely hold up well!


EradicatorsOnce again, you grab three guys in this box for $50 with two full sprues.

Eradicators instructions


Eradicators instructions 2They did the same layout for the instructions like the Bladeguard where they color code the poses you want. Just follow the colors to get your guys posed the way you want. That type of layout really makes it easy to get these multi-part guys together.

Eradicators sprueYou actually get a lot of bits with this. Two full sprues for three guys tells you everything you need to know there.

Eradicators built


Eradicators built 2All the pieces lock in pretty well, even the cables slotted in nicely. Overall the builds were quick and easy. There are some mold lines, but you kind of have to expect that with a multi-part kit.

Eradicators comparisonIt is a little more dynamic than the push-fit guy (right), but overall they look pretty similar. However, they come with more heads and have multi-melta bits, and power feed wires just look dope.

Overall some great looking minis that work well with the push-fit guys.

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