9 Miniature Hobby Products For Your Backside & Tabletop

hobby table benchGet the very best for your backside, and your hobby table in this rundown of  9 miniature hobby products we use every day!

If you’ve been trying to step up your hobby game and have been interested in what the Spikey Bits team uses, take a minute to look over our list of these hobby products we have been using for years and trust.

Grex 10:1 Airbrush Cleaner

grex cleaner

  • Cleans oils, acrylics, inks, dyes, varnish, glues, Resins, airbrush mediums, and more
  • Use hot for best results
  • Keep airbrush clean by spraying cleaner between color changes and immediately after use
  • To remove dried paint, soak affected parts with cleaner overnight

If you don’t mind doing an extra step when you use your Airbrush to paint, throw some Grex in the pot between sessions to get any kind of residue out. This will make sure the only thing that’s going through the Airbrush is exactly what you want. WARNING: This is a super-concentrated product, use ONE DROP per bowl of water in your reservoir.

Iwata Medea Super Lube

iwata lubeAfter using the Grex cleaner above, I always add a little dab of Iwata’s lube to my airbrush needle to keep things in working order. This cuts down on your hobby time and stress from having to stop and deal with your equipment whenever you get some serious painting done. Cleaning and lubing your airbrush will make it happy. Happy Airbrush= Happy Life!

ELO Remover

elo removerWhat do you do when you need an eraser for things you’ve already painted (or those super e-Bay deals)? You grab your bottle of ELO! I’ve painted stuff quickly and gone back only to realize I didn’t like what I saw. A little bit of ELO later and I was able to start from square one on making a model look exactly the way I wanted.  Best of all this stuff strips minis in less than a minute!

Razer Iskur Gaming-Chair

Razr Iskur Gaming chair

Ergonomic Lumbar Support System: Enjoy total lower back support with a built-in, fully adjustable lumbar curve that closely aligns to your spine—ensuring ideal posture for maximum comfort in gaming marathons.

While this chair isn’t cheap, saving your back and body should be worthwhile.

Razr Iskur Gaming chair 3High-Density Foam Cushions: The denser, durable cushions have a plush feel and offer better contouring, allowing your weight to apply just enough pressure as they mold to support your unique body shape.

Razr Iskur Gaming chair 44D Armrests: Adjust the armrests’ height, angle, and move them forwards or backward for a position tailored to the way you sit.

If you do some hardcore sitting as I do, this chair is a great choice. Although it’s a newer product, so far has not let me down with the extra Lumbar support I require!

Purple Simply Seat Cushion

purpleIf the chair price above is too steep, you can get one of these pads for a fraction of the price! Whether you hobby sitting down or just have a long drive to work, this thing will keep your sittin’ muscles happy with some next-level padding.

To test just how good the padding was, I took the flimsiest Nighthaunt model I could find and sat on top of it. Once I got up, I found the Nighthaunt model completely unscathed and in perfect condition.  TBH I use both the chair above and the pad daily for the last 4 or so years, and it has really helped with all my lower back and posture problems I have been having.

Gunnar Gaming Glasses

gunnar glasssses

  • GUNNAR Gaming and Computer Glasses: GUNNAR glasses protect your eyes and enhance performance. Reduce digital eye strain and block blue light with amber or clear lens tint options.
  • Patented Lens Technology: GUNNAR is the only patented gaming and computer eyewear recommended by doctors to protect and enhance your vision while viewing digital screens

Maybe you’re the kind of person that sits in front of a computer all day at work. Or maybe you just have trouble focusing on models when you’re under blue lights for hours while your hobby. Either way, I definitely recommend these. You’ve actually probably seen me wear them at some point on Stream or on YouTube. They block the harsh blue light that computers give off and have actually been recommended by doctors to enhance your vision while looking at screens.

Sharpies (Silver, Gold, & Bronze)

sharpieSharpies are worth their weight in gold believe it or not. If you’re wanting to do a metallic trim on something like a Titan or maybe a Heldrake, All you have to do is run your Sharpie along the ridge and watch it turn the metallic color in one pass.

Move lightly like a brush and watch the time-saving rack up almost instantly!  Just remember to store them tip down!

Overhead Triple Bright Lamp

Overhead lightI use two of these on my hobby table and they give off the perfect amount of light even in the daytime to see all the little details. Definitely worth picking up to save your eyes, but you probably only need one light for most uses.

Sparmax Airbrush Compressor

sparmax compressorSparmax is a bit of an investment but believe me when I say this thing is a mule. With all of the painting I’ve done over the years, it has stuck by me and kept the air pressures on my paints exactly the way I intended. I still use this beast today!

It’s got Airbrush stands on top of the casing, a protective metal shield around the entire compressor, an on/off switch, and a handle to make everything easier to transport if you have to hobby on the go.

Whitmor 24 Pocket Shoe Organizer

shoe organizerIn every hobby hole, there’s a lack of space. If you need to make the most out of what you got, move your storage to the door! Sure, this is intended for shoes…but who said that’s all it had to ever be made for?

primerFor a great price, you’ve got yourself 24 slots of open space where you can put things like brushes (in a cup) to cans of Primer. It really comes down to what you need it for. But it’s a great place to add some storage where you didn’t have any before!

Like I said before, these are the hobby products that I and the whole Spikey Bits team swears by!

What do you think your hobby hole needs next? Are you ready to pick up Airbrushing?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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