Book of Rust Adeptus Mechanicus Charadon 40k Rules!

Skitarii Adeptus Mechanicus Wal HorThe new Adeptus Mechanicus Charadon 40k rules are here with both an Army of Renown and the Metalica Forge World rules.

The images of the book were recently spotted on Imgur, with all the rules for Ad Mech in the Book of Rust. With the new Ad Mech codex getting announced, we hope these rules will be in the codex, but judging by the DE rules, we doubt they will be.

adeptus mechanicus codex ad mechSince there is an Army of Renown, there are going to be certain restrictions on the army to get the benefits. Let’s get into the new rules!

Book of Rust Adeptus Mechanicus Charadon Rules!

Army of renownIf you were wondering about how to actually make an Army of Renown, well, this is how! Each army will have restrictions but then have access to a bunch of new rules, Relics, and Stratagems.

Adeptus Mechanicus Charadon RulesSince they have both an Army of Renown and Forge World rules, there will be a lot to cover. Let’s jump into it!

Army of Renown: Mechanicus Defence Cohort


Adeptus Mechanicus Charadon Rules Army of Renown 2The drawback for this is pretty big, as you can’t take any Skitarii units, but you do gain a lot. Mainly Extremis Protocols, a relic, Warlord trait, and Stratagems. First, they get minus one on damage dealt to them when either in terrain or the deployment zone.

They can always hold steady and when they do, they can Overwatch on a 5+ which is really nice. For just one CP you can deal some serious damage whenever you’re charged. Or if you set to defend, you get +1 to your hit rolls. If you want an all mechanized force, this is the way to go!

Adeptus Mechanicus Charadon Rules Army of Renown 3Without any Skitarii units, having an ObSec Aura is really nice and helps the army a ton. The Forgefire is interesting, with the possibility of mortals and decent damage output, but nothing too insane.

Adeptus Mechanicus Charadon Rules Army of Renown 5This Stratagem was already previewed, but it’s interesting. Since it doesn’t go off until your next Command Phase it is almost better to force your opponent to move, more so than the actual damage. If you can scare your opponent into moving, it can really disrupt their plans. Or if they don’t move, you’ll have a 50% chance to deal damage to a lot of units. This really comes in handy against gun lines.

Adeptus Mechanicus Charadon Rules Army of Renown 4This is really awesome, but you can’t do it too often because of the CP cost. Still, it could really take your opponent by surprise, instead of falling out of combat, just stay in and blast them to pieces! Especially without getting the minus 1 to hit. If you want to see all of the Stratagems, check them out here on Imgur.

Metalica Rules

Metalica Warlord TraitsThere are some interesting ones, but the Master Annihilator jumps out as really good. With 6″ added to the range and an additional Strength of all Radium weapons. The Ashrunner is nice if you want to have your Warlord in combat, but that’s not usually the plan…

Metalica Relics (1)The Delta Pistol is basically going to do 4 Damage to every vehicle it shoots at! The Metalican Lung gives you a nice Aura when you’re in/near combat.

You can reroll all wounds for a friendly unit. You also don’t have to be within 3″ of your own unit or necessarily in CC either. So if you can charge some good CC units in, you’ll be getting a ton of rerolls!

Be sure to check out the rest of the rules for the Ad Mech here on Imgur.

What do you think about the rules? Will you be running this Army of Renown?

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