New 40k Rules Coming For Warzone Charadon Revealed

Death Guard TyphusWith the Warzone Charadon table of contents revealed, we get a first look at what to expect in the way of new 40k rules.

Warhammer Community unveiled a quick preview of what the book is going to be all about. It’s looking like there will be three codex supplements, and three armies of renown (different ways to field your army).  On top of that, there will be new Crusade rules, and obviously the campaign rules.

The book was originally teased back in November but it looks like we don’t have too long to wait for the supplement now. Let’s just hope if this is released right around the Drukhari Codex, you won’t have to buy this book like a week later to get the Cult of Strife rules.

Book of Rust: Warzone Charadon Table of Contents Revealed

The First Captain of the Death Guard has a bone to pick with the Charadon sector. Follow the story of Typhus’ invasion and discover how it sets the Imperial defenders reeling, as the whole sector descends into anarchy with warring factions everywhere you look.  It’s no surprise that the Orks are getting stuck in, but the Drukhari too? It’s definitely not a good time to be a loyal Imperial citizen in the Charadon sector.

In terms of new playable 40k rules, the book is going to focus on Ad Mech, Dark Eldar, Death Guard, and Imperial Knights. With three codex supplements, there will be even more rules than most of the PA books. Not to mention all the campaign rules and Crusade stuff.

Dark Age Designs Sidecar feature rMake An Attack Bike Now!

death guard codexIt also kinda looks like these are new Death Guard rules too, hot on the heels of their brand new $50 codex even… Press “F” for people who bought that…

With all the Adeptus Mechanicus stuff getting reboxed, we expect them to drop after Drukhari, which means two of the armies in the book will be getting supplements, perhaps at the exact same time as this book.

Let’s just hope the rules in this will also be in those books because it would suck to have to buy two books in a month or so to have all the rules for your faction. With all the pushback about the Kill Team paywall, well, we really don’t want to see that again. And who wants to bring two books to a game to play a faction that literally just got new rules… not us.

Campaign Rules

It’s all well and good reading about Typhus’ destructive campaign for the sector, but wouldn’t you like to play along too? Rules for running an Obolis Invasion Campaign let you play a series of connected games featuring any factions you could think of spread across three alliances: Defenders, Invaders, and Raiders. Also included are rules for setting your games in a variety of strange and dangerous regions, such as plague-blighted battlefields and augmented areas riddled with the Machine Cult’s blessings.

Nothing wrong with getting a bunch of new game versions to try out! Just a great way to spice things up.

Army Rules

Adeptus Mechanicus wallThere will obviously be the codex supplements, but also, there will be a few new ways to field your army. While we’re not a hundred percent sure how it will work, it looks like you’ll be able to field armies with different units to make up detachments.

They also mention they will be playable in 40k, not just this campaign.

Are you excited about the upcoming book? Do you think GW will put the Charadon rules in the simultaneous codexes? 

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