Kragnos is the Fourth Broken Realms Book Now

Kragnos brokern realmsThe fourth Broken Realms book has been announced for AoS with a mysterious new character named Kragnos!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW The Faith & Damnation Preview

faith and damnation preview

 Allow us to restore your faith next weekend with the massive reveals we’ll be showing off in the upcoming Warhammer Preview Online: Faith & Damnation. We’ll be sharing new models and expansions for:

faith and damnation contents

There is a little bit for everyone in this preview it seems! If you missed any of the last previews here they are for a quick recap!

All the Latest GW Previews:

Kragnos is the Fourth Broken Realms Book Now

dragon ogre shaggothOther than the name, this image, and the short teaser with his voice, we don’t have much to go off of. We can’t help but get some serious Kholek Suneater vibes, perhaps this character is heralding the return of the Dragon Ogre Shaggoths?  Will Beasts of Chaos get a reboot, or is this just something else altogether?

Broken Realms Teclis Update

Luckily on top of this new teaser and announcement, we also got an update on Broken Realms Teclis! It will be available to preorder next weekend! So be sure to keep your eyes open for that. Below is the past news we’ve gotten on that book as a refresher from the previous online preview.

Broken Realms Teclis

Along with new background that will forever change the Mortal Realms, the book features warscroll battalions for

  • Lumineth Realm-lords
  • Cities of Sigmar
  • Maggotkin of Nurgle
  • Flesh-eater Courts
  • Ossiarch Bonereapers

There are also warscrolls for a swathe of new Lumineth Realm-lords units, including some that we saw earlier in the week, and unique battleplans that let you play out some of the battles from the narrative yourself. 

The main goal of Teclis and his forces is to stop or at least hinder Nagash and his plans. Teclis believes Nagash is the main threat to the mortal realms and therefore demands his attention.

How do you feel about the Broken Realms books? Are you a player of any of the focus factions? Are you excited for more?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!