New 40k Space Marines Exorcists Chapter Rules: WD

new-rules-space-marines-40k-9th-editionAll the new Exorcists 40k chapter rules in the March White Dwarf magazine are here- let’s check them all out!

While they have been spotted in various places around the web, it looks like the source is over on Reddit. Here are all the new rules for what this chapter is getting.

New 40k Space Marines Exorcists Chapter Rules: WD

exorcists chapter tactic

The Exorcist Chapter tactic serves the exclusive purpose of making it harder for a wound to make it through on your models. First unmodified 1s and 2s to wound always fail, which is okay, but really only come into play with huge models or very high strength weapons against low toughness models, which doesn’t happen too much.

The second is a 5+ FNP against mortal wounds. Both of these aren’t amazing, but they certainly can help, and depending on your opponent’s list, it may be better against some more than others.

Exorcists Relics

exorcists relicsThe Exorcists get access to 3 relics. The first is a bolt pistol replacement making it an S5 -3AP 3Damage pistol that gets free hit and wound rerolls, which is decent but once again not game-breaking.

The second relic is situationally much better in some cases, giving the model a 2+ armor save, and changing enemy invulnerable saves to a max of 4+, or 5+ if they are a Daemon. This can hurt things like Mortarion by changing his Invuln from 4+ to 5+, but unfortunately only while the relic wielder is in engagement range which may not be good to be that close to the Daemon Primarch.

The final Relic is a Power Sword replacement giving it an additional S, AP, and Damage, with the bonus of a mortal on 6s to wound or 4+ if against a Daemon. This is ok, but Burning blade which is a generic Astartes relic may be better since it trades off the ability for an additional S and AP, which is possibly more applicable in more situations.

Exorcists Warlord Traits

exorcists warlord traits

Exorcists also get 3 Warlord Traits. The first is a one per game dice replacement of an auto 6 for a single hit, wound, or save roll. It also allows for a once per battle free Epic Deed, which can come in handy.

Know Thy Enemy is probably the worst, just because it so situational, with it only affect one enemy and the attacker having to be next to the warlord, this doesn’t seem very good at all.

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The final trait is by far the best. It allows the warlord to skip shooting and essentially get a 50-50 12″ smite, so putting this on a melee warlord would be great. They also get to deny psychic powers during the game!

Exorcists Stratagems

  • 2CP Cast Out Thy Blackened Soul allows a target exorcist core or character reroll wound rolls against a target Daemon unit within 12″ for one phase. This is okay, but probably not good enough to use very often, even in games against chaos.
  • 2CP Orison Cult can be used before the battle to let a target unit use a chosen combat doctrine for one turn one per game, if the unit is 5 or fewer models this costs 1CP instead. This might be better, especially with big impact units like a deep striking force that may not get to drop in the right turn for a certain doctrine.
  • 2Cp Spiritual Resolve allows you to deny the effects of a psychic power that targets an exorcist unit. This is decent and will allow you to hold an ace in your sleeve against some psychic heavy lists, but if you face a non-psychic list like tau, this will obviously be pretty worthless.

What do you think about the rules for the Exorcists Will you be trying to run them at all?

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