Disgustingly Resilient: Death Guard by Castle Brush

castle brush morty portraitToday we take a look at the level 1-2-3 Death Guard by Castle Brush which is a great way to get your army tabletop ready with no effort!

The artistic team at Castle Brush is pumping out some amazing-looking projects for the worldwide hobby community. This level of painting is extremely crisp and it lets you get an entire army on the field quickly. Sometimes we just don’t have time to paint, let Castle Brush do it for you!

This level of painting spans a wide range, where the troops aren’t painted with quite as much detail, but then on the characters and vehicles, they take that extra bit of time to really make them awesome. Take a look at one of their latest works of art.

Death Guard by Castle Brush

Death Guard by castle brushThe army in all its glory! This level of painting gets you such a great-looking set of minis! You can really tell the extra time put into the vehicles and character than the 1-2 level. Just look at that mural on the tank! Let’s take a closer look at these awesome minis!

Troops & Characters

Death Guard by castle brush 4


Death Guard by castle brush 5Even the regular troopers look great at this level of painting. Why paint the army yourself when you can just have someone else do it for you? If you love what Castle Brush is doing, check out some of their other stuff here.

Death Guard by castle brush 2


Death Guard by castle brush 3At this level, the characters will stand out on the battlefield and be something to be proud of.


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Death Guard by castle brush 9What is there to say about this Rhino other than it’s amazing! Come on, you know you want a sweet mural of Mortarion on the top of your transports.

Death Guard by castle brush 6


Death Guard by castle brush 7Just because you’re spreading plague and lobbing nasty stuff at the enemy, doesn’t mean you can’t look great!

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Death Guard by castle brush 12Last but not least, as this is painted to just such a sweet standard. From the rust to the flesh, this is really dope work.

That does it today for this awesome army at the 1-2-3 Level. If you are looking for a studio that can handle anything from dioramas to full-scale armies, make sure you check out the creative team at Castle Brush today!

Start your Next Project with Castle Brush!