ImpendingDuff is here to show us how to decant your paints easily with one simple trick- don’t miss out on making your paints last longer!
ImpendingDuff may be somewhat new here, but he’s actually been doing this for a while now. He does great painting tutorials and is definitely worth checking out. This week he has a solid tutorial on how to keep your paints lasting longer.
How to Decant Your Paints with 1 Trick: ImpendingDuff
The paint we’re going to do this on today is Wild Rider Red from GW.
Here’s everything you need to do this yourself:
- Clippers
- Dropper Bottle
- Agitator Beads
- Golden Medium (not flow Improver or water)
- A Junk Paint Brush
- Hobby Knife
- Badger Airbrush mixer
Why use a Medium
He uses this over water or flow improver because it doesn’t break down the paint as the others do. This is very important for the longevity of your paints.
How to Do it
He actually gets more paint than he started with when using this method. It starts at 26 grams, we’ll see how much he has by the end. First, put the agitators into the dropper bottle while nothing is in it. Then he clips off the top of the GW pot then squeezes some of the Medium directly into the GW pot.
Once that’s in there, he mixes it up with the mixer for about 15 seconds. Then he dumps it into the dropper bottle with a funnel. Once he gets the majority out, he then adds more medium, remixes it, and then dumps it back out again into the dropper bottle.
Then he cleans up the excess out with his junkie brush and does one final pass of the same steps as above. For the most part, you’re done and this only takes him about 2-3 minutes a pot. This method actually also grabs you an extra 4 grams of paint per bottle this way as well, with the medium of course.
How Does it Change the Paint?
When you do this method, you can just use it as-is out of the bottle, or do it with a 1:1 mix of flow improver in the airbrush. It basically works like Monument’s ProAcryl paints at this point and can cover with a single pass. On top of that, you can still thin them for a glaze if you need to.
There you have it, an easier-to-use bottle and a better level of paint!
If you liked this feature, be sure to check out his channel for more great tutorials!
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