New AoS Be’lakor Warscroll Rules Spotted!

Gw-new-release-sm-be'lakor-new-rulesThe AoS Be’lakor warscroll was spotted on the interwebs with the full page of rules captured- check out what he can do!

Thanks to GW listing the AoS rules online, we have the rules for the new release! He definitely got some big buffs, while keeping a lot of the same flavor as before. Let’s get into it!

New AoS Be’lakor Warscroll Spotted!

belakor AoS


  • This model can fly.


  • The Dark Master: Once per battle, at the beginning of the enemy heroes phase, you may choose 1 enemy unit on the battlefield. Until your next hero phase, at the beginning of each phase (including the phase in which the unit was chosen), you may roll a dice for that unit. On a 3+, in that phase that unit cannot move, shoot, fight, use command abilities, chant prayers, try to cast spells, try to dispel persistent spells, or try to dispel spells.
  • Lord of Torment: If an enemy unit fails a battleshock test while it is within 12″ of this model, you can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to this model.
  • Shadow Form: Ignore modifiers (positive or negative) when making save rolls for attacks that target this model.


  • Enfeeble Foe: Enfeeble Foe has a casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within 18″ of the caster and visible to them. Until your next hero phase, subtract 1 from wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by that unit.

    First up, the ability to choose who to freeze in your opponent’s hero phase and not the beginning of the game. This is a really nice change and can totally mess up your enemy’s plans! Just hope you primed that dice up and hit the 66% chance! Regaining wounds is never a bad thing, but the enemy will have to fail a battleshock test, which isn’t too hard to set up.

    He’ll always get the same save, which is really nice, but that also means you can never increase it, but a 4+ it’s fairly decent. Lastly, Enfeeble Foe is fairly easy to cast and will really reduce the combat power of a unit within 18″ of Be’lakor. Especially considering the balance of how many units use melee and not ranged in AoS.

    New Be'lakorNext, we’ll check out his weaponry:

    Blade of Shadow: The attacks for this will go on a sliding scale depending on how many wounds he’s taken. But at the full profile, he’ll dish out some serious damage. Getting 8 attacks hitting and wounding on 3’s, with -2, and D2.

    Mortal Claw: Nothing crazy here with an attack hitting and wounding on 3’s again, -1, and D2.

    Piercing Tail: This attack has a longer range, hits on a 2+ and then goes off his damage chart for the wound roll, but still does D2.

    Overall some massive buffs! But with him being so much bigger, what else would you expect. With 14 wounds, better abilities, and way more damage, we expect him to wreck through some battles!

    What do you think about the new rules? Will you be trying to get on the preorder?

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