Painting Marble Bases: ImpendingDuff Tutorial

impendingduff feature r (1)ImpendingDuff is here with some painting tricks he uses to make marble effects on bases easy- don’t miss these tips!

ImpendingDuff may be somewhat new here, but he’s actually been doing this for a while now. He does great painting tutorials and is definitely worth checking out.

This week he’s got a solid tutorial on how to get your bases looking great without too much effort.

Painting Marble Bases: ImpendingDuff Tutorial

Weathering Marble BaseHe’s using a Shadow’s Edge 60mm base for this tutorial, but it will work on any base that has some different levels.

Priming & Base Coats

Weathering Marble Base 2He starts with the Synylrez black Primer and hits the whole thing. Then, with the airbrush, he breaks out the Dark Neutral Gray and the Titanium white from Monument. He mixes a 50/50 of the two and hits some splotches where he wants them. 

The Magic

Weathering Marble Base 3He breaks out spider web stuff, that you hang on your bushes for Halloween. He then pulls those parts all over the base, with some big open spaces and some closed spaces.

Weathering Marble Base 4Once you have it how you want, he breaks out some Bold Titanium White and sprays an even coat over the spider webs. Once dry, he does another coat. Just be sure you let it fully dry before pulling it off, or you’ll ruin the paint!

Painting Rubble

Painting RubbleHe starts with Dark Brown and hits all the rubble on the base. Once that’s dry, he hits it with a Gloss Varnish. After that dries, he mixes some Dark Tone from The Army Painter and hits all the rubble again with that and a 50/50 mix of Flow Improver.

Then he takes Slyvaneth Bark and dry brushes it onto the dark brown. To highlight further, he then hits it with a Tyrant Skull drybrush. To finish this stage off, he mixes Agrax Earthshade with Flow Improver and glops it on the rubble.

Adding Pigments

Weathering Marble Base 5He uses VMS Dark Earth Pigments. He just dots it onto the edges and spots where he wants it to be dirty. Then he moves to the Washed Red Earth and highlights the pigments from before, not all over the base. Next, he uses Pigment Fixer and puts it everywhere he has the pigments. To finish the whole thing off, he takes Coal Black and paints the rim of the base.

Finished Base

Finished Marble BaseThere you have it, a super great-looking base that didn’t take too long!  If you liked this feature, be sure to check out his channel for more great tutorials!

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