House of Shadows Delaque Gang & Book Revealed!

previews-new-necromunda-delaqueIf you love hunting from the darkness, the new House of Shadows Delaque Gang is going to be a no-brainer- check it out!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

House of Shadows Delaque Gang & Book Previewed!

Warhammer Fest Online

All next week, from Monday to Saturday, we’ll be packing each day with reveals of brand new things coming to Warhammer, as well as hearing from some of the teams behind them. It’ll be just like you’re there in person, watching the panels live. 

Each day will be themed around one particular part of the Warhammer hobby, so check the schedule below and find out when your favorite games are coming up. Trust us when we say you’ll want to see everything anyway – there are some spectacular reveals on the way.

Warhammer Fest Online 3You can tune in to Warhammer Community from Monday 3rd May to see all of the reveals as they happen from 6 pm (BST) onwards, or catch them live on Twitch.

They really took the gang and went wild with it! The new minis are pretty awesome looking and they even have a floating alien that can explode people’s heads (we made that up but it probably will be able to…).  Let’s take a closer look.

The Minis

Delaque Gang


Delaque GangThe Nacht-Ghul are new Delaque Champions – assassins and saboteurs without peer. If you need someone ‘disappeared’ or want an enemy factory to stop producing inexplicably, this is who you should call.

The Nacht-Ghul are the Delaque version of assassins. They use stealth and can sneak up to the enemy before they know they are coming and cut them to pieces. The minis are an interesting take on the current models and a cool way to take the gang overall.

Delaque GangThey’re accompanied by the strange creatures known as Psychoteric Wyrms and Piscean Spektors – we’re not entirely sure what these things are, but we’re going to have a lot of fun finding out.

They didn’t give too many ideas in the way of rules for these, but they are wild-looking if nothing else. The Piscean Spektor is an alien harnessed by the gang and we can only imagine what it will do on the tabletop.

Delaque Gang


Delaque GangAt the other end of the experience scale are the Psy-Gheists – youngsters who have learned how to tap into their psychic power.

Do you want your soul sucked out through a giant snake vacuum? Good because neither do we! Seriously though these are two pretty cool-looking minis and the Psychomancer’s harness is a very interesting take on a battlesuit. If you’ve been a long-time lover of Delaque, this really takes the gang to a whole new level!

House of Shadows Book

Delaque GangIt’s time for the Delaque clan to get the ‘House of’ treatment, as a new book is on the way. This tome contains more lore and deeper background on this mysterious clan than we’ve ever seen before, plus fresh ways to play your Delaque gangs.

If the previous roadmap is anything to go off, we probably won’t see this till late Q3, but that’s not really too far off now.

2021 roadmapWe expected this book, but we also know the Redemptionists are the redacted game. So with this reveal, we pretty much know what to expect in terms of minis for the rest of the year for Necromunda.

Do you like where they are taking the gang’s aesthetic? Will you be picking these up when they come out? 

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