Next Week GW Pre-Orders: Vampires Wave 2 & More

New releases for Soulblight Gravelords Vampires wave 2 and more are on the way, as GW just confirmed their latest pre-orders!

Warhammer Community just let us in on all the new releases for pre-order this coming Saturday. Let’s go over the line-up!

The big question is will the ridiculous allocations continue?

Next Week GW Pre-Orders: Vampires Wave 2 & More

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Start Collecting! Soulblight Gravelords

soulblight gravelords SCWith 20 Grave Guard and five Black Knights, you get a solid foundation for your army, and you also pick up the amazing new Wight King on Skeletal Steed (which is exclusive to this set at time of launch) to lead your deathless minions into battle.

Start collecting boxes are a perfect place to start or bolster an existing army, there are always decent savings packed in!

Dire Wolves

Dire WolvesThese ferocious predators serve the will of their immortal masters, racing ahead of all but the swiftest Gravelord riders to tear apart unwary prey with their slavering jaws. Available as a box of 10 miniatures, the Dire Wolves set provides your army with a vanguard unit that can speedily engage vulnerable enemies while your main host advances.

In the past, Dire Wolves served as a cheap and mobile distraction that can pick off weakened units. Hopefully, they will fill the same role!

Belladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos

Belladamma Volga, First of the VyrkosOn the topic of Dire Wolves, the dread matriarch of the Vrykos Soulblight bloodline, Belladamma Volga, wields the power of the Lycancurse, enabling her to devolve her victims into these lupine beasts. Mounted atop Rothaback, a fearsome pack alpha, Belladamma is a master of sorcery whose command over Dire Wolves is absolute.

If you really like the idea of wolves running rampant, Volga might just be the HQ choice for you!

Radukar the Beast

Radukar the Beast modelIn light of ‘recent events’ (no spoilers here!), Radukar underwent a hideous transformation into a hybrid form of vampiric monster. Now known as the Beast, he tears through anything in his path with wracking claws and an unearthly strength.

Spoiler alert, this model is very good. We saw some of the rules earlier and he is most likely going to be on a lot of lists!

Radukar the Wolf

Radukar the WolfBefore he became the beast, he was just a “normal” vampire, which you can also field if you wish! Now you can pick him up separately from the Cursed City box.

Radukar’s Court

Radukar’s CourtAlongside Radukar, are his loyal minions also from the Cursed City box, which you can pick up in this bundle. They all have rules for you to field in AoS.

Kritza, the Rat Prince

New Model Monday kritza the rat princeKritza’s unique apotheosis nonetheless makes him a formidable asset to a Soulblight Gravelords army. In addition to possessing the hitting power of a supernatural vampire, he can disappear into a swarm of rats only to morph back into his original form elsewhere, making him nigh unkillable.

If a very hard-to-kill rat-man is more your speed, Kritza is your one and only choice! (Unless of course you play Skaven)

Lady Annika, The Thirsting Blade

Lady Annika, The Thirsting BladeBy far the most bloodthirsty of a bloodthirsty species, Lady Annika is a whirling dervish of fang and blade once the gore starts to flow. Her slender blade passes on the strength of those whose vital fluids it spills to its maniacal wielder, ensuring Lady Annika’s blood-soaked rampages last as long as there are foes to slay.

At least with the Vampires, you’ll have your choice of the liter of malicious HQs!

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Kainan’s Reapers

Kainan’s ReapersThe members of this highly aggressive warband get inspired by earning Tithe counters. They achieve this by killing their enemies and looting their bones for the choicest samples to take back to their master. They may have come in search of the Silent People first and foremost, but they’ll happily settle for the bones of anyone else who gets in their way, too.

Do you like the look of these releases? Are you going to pick any up?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!