Pro Acryl Expansion Set #1 From Monument Hobbies

Pro Acryl Expansion Set 1 featureThe Pro Acryl Expansion Set #1 is the original set of expansion colors that are perfect for any paint collection out there- check it out!

Monument Hobbies paints are some of the best on the market at an always affordable price. It’s no wonder so many people, including some of the best painters out there, are obsessed with their paints!

This set has all the colors you need on a regular basis and even some when you need that little bit of color pop.

Monument hobbies logo

We’ve been using their paints forever and really love them. They have been working hard to get their new website up and running, and this set is back and stock, ready to be shipped!

This is just one of the many great sets they have, so even if these colors aren’t up your alley, they have way more to choose from.  Let’s take a closer look at the set!

Pro Acryl Expansion Set #1: $42.75 

Pro Acryl Expansion Set 1 2As we said, this has so many useful colors, so whether you have a giant collection or are just starting, this is a no-brainer! Also, the Bright Neutral Grey and Dark Neutral Grey are so versatile it’s almost insane and they are used by most of the big painters out there all the time! If you love Monument Hobbies, check out all their other products we’ve featured here.

Let’s take a look at everything you get in the set:

The first expansion to our Pro Acryl paint line! This set includes 12 new colors with the same, amazing Pro Acryl quality. 22ml bottles Colors include – 

  • Dark Purple
  • Dark Blue
  • Burnt Orange
  • Yellow Ochre
  • Dark Neutral Grey
  • Bright Neutral Grey
  • Black Brown
  • Shadow Flesh
  • Olive Flesh
  • Pale Pink
  • Bright Yellow Green
  • Dark Camo Green

If you’re already in the store we would also recommend picking up their brush cleaner. Rob has been using it for years and it keeps all of his brushes fresh!

Brush Cleaner


This stuff should be an auto-include in every hobby kit. We use it all the time, and we mean all the time! It could be our favorite product they offer.

That does it for this one, don’t wait around and miss out on this awesome set!

Get Your Pro Acryl Paint Set Here!