More Orruks Braids & Bones: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horWe’ve got a new GW rumor engine that looks like some boney structure and a bundle of hair flowing in the wind.

Warhammer Community just unveiled one more rumor engine and this time it looks like some sort of savage or tribal setup with bones and hair. Check out the details of this bit that look to be on the way for 40k or AoS!

More Orruks Braids & Bones: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 6-22-2021Looking at this engine bit, it immediately looks like a Savage Orruk! It looks a little similar to the normal Armored Warboss Orruk’s Shoulder with the huge skull, or even the recent Black Orc Star Player for Blood Bowl. Even with all of these similarities pointing to AoS or Fantasy, it could also be for 40k.

Bones in hair still exist in the future after all.

savage orrukWith all of the evidence point towards Savage Orruks, it really does seem likely that this bit has something to do with them. Not to mention they have an extremely outdated kit at the moment and Destruction is in the limelight for the AoS 3.0 update!

What do you think this is? 

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