Go Home Games Workshop: You’re Hobby Drunk (again)

new-way-to-play-GWGames Workshop is back at it again pushing their hobby standards. Is GW getting a little out of line in the hobby community? Let’s take a look.

We posed a question of the rules to people on our Spikey Bits Hobbies FB group (which you should totally join if you are not a part of already)- a couple of days ago. Some of the more generic things, like no outside food, are fairly standard for big events. Still, what caught our eye was the confusing and open-ended nature with which they are taking on the hobby side of things.

It’s not just no alternative minis, it’s how you paint them (more on that later), what type of conversions you can have, and more. Sure we totally understand their stance on all GW or Forge World minis at their own event, but the rest may be a bit over the top…

gw-tournamentsJust remember before we get too far, these are guidelines, so GW can choose to enforce them, or not. It is totally their prerogative.

Also, if you have any questions about your army, you can email them and verify to avoid any gotchas. If you have any converted minis, you must do this two weeks before the event, so don’t slack and get hit with scoring penalties!

However, as many folks have pointed out from these guidelines it’s easy to infer that GW is trying to not only tell us how to play with our models but also how to hobby on them. Mainly that you have to paint your army exactly like the paint scheme for whatever Chapter, Kabal, Hive Fleet, etc. you are playing.

Strict Guidelines for Hobbying at GW Tournament Series

There are some strange and strict guidelines for your hobbying at the upcoming GW tournament series- check out what isn’t allowed.

Tournament GuidelinesThe most interesting thing here is the sub-factions area. Because if you just painted your entire army with the same scheme, but want to use multiple sub-factions, you may not be allowed. Again, you can submit it, but they may not allow it. Meaning you have to (maybe) paint them all in official colors if you want to use them as different sub-factions and not all the same thing.

This gets really interesting with Space Marines. They have so many chapter colors out there, we just hope they are lenient on it. Because a lot of people paint custom colors, then use them as some main chapter, but according to the wording above, they must be in the official GW paint scheme. If you don’t feel like sticking to these guidelines, maybe something like the LVO or Adepticon is for you.

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Conversions & All GW Minis

We understand the reasoning for not gaining extra LOS or advantages for your conversions. Just be sure to get those emails in if you have any questions. It would really suck to get penalties day of the tournament for something like an extra half-inch of height!

gw tournament rulesNothing here is too crazy, but the only confusing things are the basing and bits requirements. Because they say excluding basing or scratch-built components. Does that mean it’s okay to put resin bits on your bases, or does it mean totally 3rd party bases are acceptable? Let’s hope it’s the latter because so many armies are based on amazing 3rd part bases.

This also means no 3rd party printed bits (unless you design them yourself). We imagine you can just say they are something you came up with, but it gets tricky with things like special and heavy weapons. Stock has been very hard to get lately, so hopefully, they don’t crack down on bits you couldn’t get from them but needed in your army. Or just bits you think look amazing!

In the past, they have taken a strict stance on things even like 3rd party bases:

This post was from a few years ago, and to be fair to them, they haven’t said anything specifically this strict yet (but it surely seems inferred). Still, it just shows that even though they say except basing, they have in the past been harsh even on that side of things.

tarkin grip

We understand the restrictions with models, but things like paint schemes are taking it a step too far in our opinion. This is another time to vote with your hobby dollars, if you are a fan of alternative mini-makers, go to a tournament that isn’t so strict on your models or paint schemes.

What do you think about the modeling and painting restrictions? Are you going to the GW tournament series? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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