JOYTOY Reveals Painted 4″ Space Marines Action Figures!

joytoy space marines action figures vanguard paintedThe wait was worth it because these painted 4″ tall Space Marines from JOYTOY are shaping up to be some awesome-looking action figures!

Over on Gamecores, we got another peek at how the Primaris action figures by JOYTOY is shaping up along with the official promo images! Let’s quickly recap what we know about the release, and then check out the updated figures!

JOYTOY Announces Partnership With GW

In May, JOYTOY announced that an agreement for partnership was reached with GW. These figures will be 1:18 scale and are planned for a June release this year.

Release time: 2021/05/17

On May 17, 2021, JOYTOY (abbreviation: Happy Mode Play) officially announced that it has been authorized by the British Games Workshop® (abbreviation: GW) to jointly launch a series of Warhammer40000 classic characters with 1:18 super movable The finished product model play, this series of products is planned to be officially released in June this year.

These figures are assumed to be pretty similar to the recent McFarlane figures we have already had recently, but a wee bit smaller. If we check out JOYTOY’s current products we can see that these are going to be similar in cost and size, unless JOYTOY plans to change up their formula and go for something different.

joytoy modelJOYTOY’s other 1:18 scale models come in at 105mm (about 4 inches tall) and costs $29. However since Space Marines are so tall canonically, they might be taller than the historical human figures, which might drive the price up a bit. not to mention the weapons and other bits that might be inside the box.

 JOYTOY Reveals New Painted 4″ Space Marines Action Figures!

joytoy infiltrator officialStarting with the Infiltrators, we see that they come with a pretty much complete loadout. GameCores also said that since these are official product images, Games Workshop probably had to approve them, meaning these are very close to the real minis that will be offered, and meets GW’s standards.

JOYTOY is authorized by the British Games Workshop® (abbreviation: GW) company, and will launch the first 1:18 ultra-movable finished game of the Warhammer 40K classic character this June. In this production engineering video, we will share with the players the show footage of the two teams of Extreme Warrior Infiltrator and Extreme Warrior Invader. This product is currently under supervision. Players are welcome to express your views on this product in the comment area, and interact with the editor~

In the GameCores article, there was also a short video displaying the figures, doubling down and showing off some of the posing options thanks to the articulation!

infiltrators joytoy

Not to mention a slightly more accurate color representation in live light instead of the render in the promotional image.

joytoy incursor officialBut that’s not all, there are also Incursors coming! Using pretty much the same base model, these have slightly different load-outs and gear. Primarily, these all masks and visors instead of full helmets, just like the GW mini kit.

incursors joytoyIn a similar fashion, there was also a section of the video dedicated to the Incursors in live light instead of the rendered promo image. Once again, this helps give a sense of pose options and shows off some of the articulation.

The larger McFarlane figures we got earlier this year, could do a lot but were a little limited with specific poses. Both of these squads seem to be able to do some of those harder poses, like kneeling or holding the bolters straight into the air. Hopefully, that still translates into the official consumer products.

Either way, these seem to be launching very soon with all of the demo models being seemingly completed!

Will you consider picking this up when it goes live? Have you seen JOYTOY figures before?

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