First Look At JOYTOY New 4″ Space Marines Action Figures!

joytoy-space-marines-action-figureHere’s a first look at the new 4″ tall Space Marines from JOYTOY that are perfect for battling other Gi-Joe or Star Wars action figures!

Over on Gamecores, we got a peek at how the Primaris action figure by JOYTOY is shaping up! Let’s quickly recap what we know about the release, and then check out that figure!

So We’re Getting 4″ Tall Space Marines Action Figures Now

JOYTOY announced that an agreement for partnership was reached with GW. These figures will be 1:18 scale and are planned for a June release this year.

JOYTOY Announces Partnership With GW

Release time: 2021/05/17

On May 17, 2021, JOYTOY (abbreviation: Happy Mode Play) officially announced that it has been authorized by the British Games Workshop® (abbreviation: GW) to jointly launch a series of Warhammer40000 classic characters with 1:18 super movable The finished product model play, this series of products is planned to be officially released in June this year.

These figures are assumed to be pretty similar to the recent McFarlane figures we have already had recently, but a wee bit smaller. If we check out JOYTOY’s current products we can see that these are going to be similar in cost and size, unless JOYTOY plans to change up their formula and go for something different.

joytoy modelJOYTOY’s other 1:18 scale models come in at 105mm (about 4 inches tall) and costs $29. However since Space Marines are so tall canonically, they should be significantly taller than a historical human figure, which might drive the price up a bit.

New 4″ Space Marines Action Figures Pics SPOTTED!

Now onto the new information from Gamecores. The website is in Chinese, so if you check it out for yourself, make sure you have Google translate the webpage for you.

infiltrator joy toyFrom Gamecores translated through google:

Judging from the videos and photos in development, the products updated in this log have been adjusted and optimized after receiving feedback from users. The adjustments include optimizing the body proportions and waist size, and at the same time, in response to the lack of weapons of the unit, the external weapons set in the original “Warhammer 40,000” have been added.

Obviously, when using translations it’s not always exact, but at least we know that JOYTOY is taking feedback early where they can.

infiltrator joy toy grayOf course, this action figure is fully poseable and can be deployed with or without the backpack and weapons. Although we aren’t entirely sure what weapon options there will be yet!

infiltrator joy toy gray posePose-ability is important, and it looks like even in development, the model is looking pretty good! It will be interesting to see if they only release a grayscale model that you have to paint, or if prepainted versions will also be on the way.

Overall, their action figures look good, so some new Warhammer 40k ones should be a welcome addition to their lineup! Maybe even more after the Infiltrators?

Will you consider picking this up when it goes live? Have you seen JOYTOY figures before?

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