Putrid Blightkings are the Chosen Mortals of Nurgle

nurgle vs stormcast sigmar wal horThe Putrid Blightkings are some of the most blessed of all of Nurgle’s mortal followers, beware if you see them on the field!

While most chaos followers are frightening, these take it to a whole new level! When you see them ready to strike, it might just be better to run away! Get out your most ridden gear and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

The Plague God Nurgle has many mortal followers in different forms, usually rats or humans though. Yet from these followers, a few rise up to become something greater and be chosen champions of Grandfather Nurgle. The Putrid Blightkings. Each a bloated, rotten warrior blessed with Nurgle’s blessings.

While being mere mortals, they have received blessing after blessing from their patron god, making them nigh unkillable hulks of plague and war. Each of them is a power to behold, a king among murderers. So when they band together to lead a war party you’re surely doomed to a painful death.

Before being blessed by grandfather Nurgle each Putrid Blightking was but a mere mortal devotee. All hoping their god sees their worship and good work. When they have been noticed and blessed by Nurgle they receive the bite of the Daemonfly. Which will slowly but surely turn them into the hulking masses we see on the battlefield. They fight and massacre in the sheer joy that they have been chosen by grandfather Nurgle and he truly sees and appreciates their work. With his blessing, they know they have the strength and support to fulfill their plague-ridden fate.

In battle the bands of Putrid Blightkings form the rank and file of the Maggotkin of Nurgle, banding together to wreak havoc in the name of grandfather Nurgle. Their hulking mass is often enough to barge right through enemy lines. Their plagued cleavers, swords, and scythes carving a bloody path of death and slaughter. Along with their comrades and daemon allies, they’ll turn the Mortal Realms into Nurgle’s own paradise. One battle at a time.

On the Field

Death Guard Nurgle Wal HorOn the tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Putrid Blightkings form a battleline option for Nurgle’s faction. Compared to other battleline options they are absolute tanks with 4 wounds to laugh off a lot of attacks. However, they are also rather slow, with only a 4″ movement. This makes them prime targets for ranged attacks. They can be taken in larger numbers, from the minimum of 5 to a maximum of 20 for a large blob of unkillable masses to shield other units. Combine them with other screening units like Plaguebearers for a solid wave to wash over the enemy in plague and decay.

The Putrid Blightkings carry a large variety of weapons into battle from swords to giant cleavers. These are all under the umbrella of Blighted Weapons. These powerful weapons all have 3 attacks to dish out with a solid 3+ for both hits and wounds. Giving you the ability to easily annihilate the enemy with their plague-ridden weapons. Furthermore, should you roll a hit roll of 6 with a Blighted Weapon, you deal D6 hits instead of 1. Increasing your chances of victory even more.

The leader of a unit of Putrid Blightkings is a Blightlord, who has an extra wound to tank more damage. Furthermore, one of them can be chosen to be a Standard Bearer. Increasing the unit’s base Bravery from a solid 8 to an even stronger 9. Making them even tougher to shake off. One of the Putrid Blightkings may even carry a Sonorous Toscin. These are giant bells to announce their presence and charges. Thus adding 1 to the units run and charge rolls should the Sonorous Toscin be present.

The blighted champions of grandfather Nurgle will ruin the day of anyone hoping to stay clean for the day!

Learn More About Putrid Blightkings Here!