Stormcast Lord-Imperatant & Knight-Vexillor AoS Rules Reveal

age-of-sigmar-3.03 big new Stormcast rules are here for AoS 3.0 along with reveals for the Lord-Imperatant and Knight-Vexillor characters as well!

Warhammer Community just unveiled more of what to expect in the new rulebook, this time including an allegiance ability and more rules for two models.

The other good news is, we already know the release date for the new edition and Dominion Starter box! Meaning these rules will be in your hands in just a few weeks.

Age of Sigmar new rulebookIs this really going to be the best ever? We’ll have to wait and see on that!

Check out the rest of the rule reveals so far below:

3 More New Stormcast AoS 3.0 Rules REVEALED!

The first and possibly most important is a reveal of some of the Stormcast Alliegance’s ability!

blaze of gloryThe rules in the Dominion box add a new allegiance ability for the Stormcast, representing their heroic sacrifice and their explosive return to heavens.

Blaze of Glory serves as a  great fluff addition and also might encourage you to play a very melee-focused list. If one of your models is slain, you can pick an enemy within 1″ and roll dice equal to your slain model (plus 1 if they are Thunderstrike) each 6 is a mortal wound.

At first, a 1-in-6 is very low, but you have to remember this is your entire list! If you have 60 models, that’s on average 10 free mortal wounds if they die in melee. That’s nothing to scoff at.

Lord-Imperatant with Gryph-Hound

Lord-Imperatant with Gryph-HoundAnother character for the Stormcast includes this Lord-Imperatant. During the Dominion unboxing, they hinted at his lore which included him being a tactician for the Stormcast, rather than a front-line warrior.

Lord imperatant datacardLuckily for us, they revealed his full data card! With 7 wounds and a 3+ save, this HQ is reasonably tanky. His Stormcallor baton offers an ok ranged option. You might not write home about it, but it’s a nice bonus.

The main weapon, his hammer, has 4 attacks with a 3+, 3+, -1 rend, and 2 damage, which can easily pop some models every turn. His Gryph-hound companion is ok, but once again, just a neat bonus to have. He also gets a pretty good ability allowing him to give a command once a turn without spending a command point!

His last ability allows you to pick one Thunderstrike model with wounds 3 or less and have them deep strike in within 7″ of enemies instead of 9″, making their first charge much easier.

Al-in-all a sweet character with some good support abilities.


Knight-VexillorAs one of many models in the army’s full roster, the Knight-Vexillor is just one model getting a slight update. One that GW proudly showed off early!

pennant of the stormbringerThe ability to re-roll charges for nearby units will be handy, as you’re more likely to be rolling to charge in earlier Battle Rounds with the new board size. The Pennant of the Stormbringer is also a great way to help reposition your slower-moving units, like Retributors, to secure your victory.

A free redeploy is huge, especially in more objective-based games! A fight that needs help on the other side of the board? How about an objective your opponent isn’t defending anymore? Both are easy work if you save this ability for when the time is right.

Are you excited about these new Stormcast rules? Will you be picking up any models?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!  

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