Dressed For the Gods: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horWe’ve got a new GW rumor engine that looks like some sort of potential piece of ceremonial dress or equipment.

Warhammer Community just unveiled one more rumor engine and this time it looks like some sort of headdress or throne back. Check out the details of this bit that look to be on the way for 40k or AoS!

Dressed For The Gods: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 7-13-2021While this is a little difficult to make out, it does have some Lizardmen/Seraphon vibes. Being either a headdress or even top of a throne/harness for riding an animal seems like they aren’t too far off of possibility. If that is true and just by looking at this, this does seem to pretty much be guaranteed for AoS at the very least.

However, we have all been surprised before and no rumor engine is a true freebie!

skink starseerWhile there is no 1-1 match with current models, looking at some of the thrones and headdresses of some of the Seraphon lineup make two things very clear. That a lot of the lineup could use a pick-me-up and it’s not too far a stretch to see this bit on one of the models.

The real question then becomes is who would this fit best on? Maybe we will get surprised and see it land in 40k?

What do you think this is? 

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