GW Confirms Orks Release Date & More New 40k Rules!

Beast-Snaggas-Orks-PreviewsGW has finally revealed the release date for when the first new glorious new Orks will drop- plus some more rules previews!

Warhammer Community put out a post detailing some more of the rules and towards the end actually lets us all know when it will be here by! Before diving into the rules and what they said, let’s recap all the Orks we know about so far that have yet to be released.

More New 40k Orks & Beast Snaggas Revealed By GW!


Beast SnaggasThere will be 26 new minis along with the new codex, including 20 boyz, 3 riders, a Nob on Smasha Squig, Zodgrod Wortsnagga, a little bomb grot. They will all come in a limited release box that has early access to the codex. But again, they are going to sell out in seconds we imagine. The codex will be released on its own, but not for a little while after.

Squighog Boy

beast snagga orkWe’ll be finding out more about these boyz in the near future, so make sure you keep your eyes firmly trained on Warhammer Community and discover what you can do in the face of this new threat.

snagga ork

Their appreciation for ‘da old ways’, and their disregard for more complex Orky technology, leads many of the Snakebite clan to become Beast Snaggas, although their ilk can be found across the entire spectrum of Ork society.** Even a no-nonsense Goff can look at a squighog’s shockingly large teeth and figure out how best to apply them to some poor git’s face.

New Characters

Beast SnaggasThis is character is making a return after 20 years! He is a master of Grots everywhere and will have a special rule to upgrade one unit of them at the beginning of the game. This will give them better shooting and make them hit harder in CC. If you love Gretchin, this guy is a must-have.

Beast SnaggasThis mini is going to be bigger than a Terminator, “normal” Nobs, and most characters. Even the Ork on the back by himself is extra-sized, then you add the Squig height on top of that! This new unit will also have bonus effects when charging, but they didn’t say exactly what.

Beast SnaggasWhile not part of the Beast Snaggas, they finally made a mini for the Warboss in Mega Armour! It looks amazing and even has a little Grot shooting his gun for him.

New Army Box & Codex

Beast SnaggasAs we said before, this codex is going to be released after the box on its own. So if you want the rules as early as possible, you’ll have to buy the limited edition box (aka Sisters, and Lumineth Realm-lords). They said it will be a complete overhaul on par with what happened in the Drukhari codex.

Beast SnaggasThis box will come with every new mini for the Orks minus the new Warboss. Almost more importantly, it will give early access to the codex! We’ll say it one last time, this is going to be limited and we can only imagine how fast it will sell out.

GW Confirms New Ork Boyz 

New Ork Boyz

Speaking of rumours and legends, some of you with the eyes of skilled Tanith marksmen noted something unusual on the new Gaunt’s Ghosts box at the weekend. Are those new Ork Boyz pictures fighting the Cadian Shock Troops on the back of the box? Yes, they are! We’ll save you squinting at a grainy pic, here is one of da new Boyz in all their glory. First Beast Snaggas and now new Boyz – 2021 looks like the year to be green…

This is the new pic from GW. So now we have a blurry vision from the back of the Gaut’s Ghosts box and now one of the boyz models from the front!

They have a very similar feel to the old Orks (hooray), but do have some nice updates. This is the only pic they released, for now, so we’ll have to wait and see what the whole box will end up looking like.

They didn’t give much about the release date either, so we’ll have to wait for the next Orks preview for more. Now let’s check out the news about the Great White Squig and Morzog.

Morzog & The Great White Squig

MorzogKnown by many names before it came into the possession of its current rider, the Great White Squig is widely regarded as the most belligerent, vicious, and savage squigosaur to ever crawl from the spawning grounds. Utterly untameable and responsible for a breathtaking number of missing Boyz, it wasn’t until the squigosaur met its match in an equally stubborn Beast Snagga named Mozrog Skragbad that any hope of controlling the monster could be found.

Great White SquigNewly christened ‘Big Chompa’, the Great White Squig is only kept in line by the sheer ornery belligerence of its long-suffering master, routinely returning to its usual destructive ways the moment Mozrog takes his eyes off it. As such, the two are rarely seen apart, and so the continued legend of steed and rider grows to this day.

New 40k Ork Wurrboyz Psykers Revealed by GW!

WurrboyKnown as the Wurrboyz, these unsavory characters channel Waaagh! energy in its most primal, animalistic form, unleashing roiling storms of psychic energy through their foes that leave them as little more than shriveled husks, or worse…  

Looks like GW thought Orks needed more psychic support, and we’re excited about it! The model is pretty simple while still looking great with dynamic posing. They mention it will have more than one power, but only showed one so far. Still, it’s pretty interesting.

Now with the recap out of the way, onto the current news!

GW Confirms Orks Release Date & More New 40k Rules!

bomb squigOn paper this seems great, although we don’t know how targeting will work, opponents might be able to just kill the Bomb Squigs first, which might be good or bad for the Ork player. Assuming you get to use the ability, these look a little like a non-psychic power smite with a 12″ range and a bonus to hit against vehicles. A 2+ to deal d3 mortals to a vehicle is pretty good.

That is, assuming it’s not at a high price during list construction.


Smasha 'eadTheir thick skulls (and remarkable resistance to concussions) make them excellent candidates for smashing headlong into enemy troops, augmented by the thick sheets of metal that are often crudely bolted to their heads.

This is pretty similar to some of the AoS mortals on charge rules, although these guys also get it on heroic interventions which seems great! Not only can you protect your characters behind a wall of bodies, but with careful layouts, you can also more or less guarantee to set off this ability for a chance at some extra mortal wounds!

squig aim gunIt almost looks like the squig has been left to aim and fire the gun itself, doesn’t it? It must take a particularly important kind of Beast Snagga to secure such a complex device, and you’ll find out exactly who they are very soon.

While they don’t outright say it, this strongly suggests he might just be the head Ork of the Beast Snaggas. If he is, we sure won’t complain! Hopefully, we get a peak during the preview on Saturday.

beast snagga dok orkThis model we’ve actually seen before, but it looks like he’s got a new head and arm option now. That potentially suggests a multipart kit if it’s inside of the army box.

Squigs can get rather big, as anyone unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of a Squiggoth charge can attest. Some of the larger kinds make perfect beasts of burden, with the brute strength necessary to tow large war engines into battle.

Could this be a Lord of War-style unit? Maybe a new subtype of Squiggoth? There’s not much to go off of here, but the hints do seem to point to something big.

Speaking of the army box, Warhammer Community let out this nugget of information:

You’ll get your first taste of the oncoming Waaagh! with the Beast Snaggas Army Box, including early access to the full Codex: Orks, arriving for pre-order this month.

This Month! What a great surprise, although considering it’s the first week, we still might have a couple to go. That being said, a time frame is a great thing to look forward to.

Are you excited for the new Orks Beast Snagga box release? 

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