With their tournament win rate through the roof, it was only a matter of time before an Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ came through.
Actually, whether their win rate was high or not, a few weeks after basically every codex comes out there is always an FAQ, but now Ad Mech have two. If you want to see some data on how they’ve been performing lately, you can check that out here. Most new books perform very well though, so it’s not anything too shocking.
Warhammer Community hasn’t been posting much about when FAQs go live, but if you want to download the whole thing, you can get it here. It’s only about one page long, but there are some big changes inside. Let’s get into what changing!
GW Drops New Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ
So first up, Lucius keeps their buff but does not stack with Light Cover, as some people thought they would lose it altogether.
Next, Acquisition at Any Cost is getting a pretty sizeable NERF. Now you have to be wholly within 6″ and it goes to once per game. This means your big units will have a much harder time making use of this and you can’t just have one guy within range. Plus, now you actually have to be much more selective when using it.
This one makes sense because they were just receiving too many auras and buffs for being core. Nearly everyone seemed to anticipate this happening.
This is another decent NERF to a stratagem used all the time. Enriched Rounds is moving to 2CP for big units, which does make sense as people were getting a million shots with big units and just auto wounding basically everything. On top of that, the auto wounds are moving to 5+.
Galvanic is moving to Heavy 3 from RF 2. Making it harder to hit if your trying to keep your big units on the move, plus taking away some shots if you were close range. But, you do get 3 shots at the full range now.
There’s some other little stuff in there, so be sure to download the whole thing here to see it all. Will this be enough to bring the faction to a good spot? We’ll have to see how they affect tournament results moving forward and if this is enough.
Honestly, though, we think GW did a decent job of not gutting them but hitting some of the more OP stuff. Chances are they will still see a lot of play just like Dark Eldar and Sisters.
Do you think they did a good job with this FAQ?
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