New Delaque Rules & Necromunda 2021 Roadmap Revealed!

previews-new-necromunda-delaqueWith the House of Shadows coming soon, GW released a new Necromunda roadmap for the rest of the year and some Delaque rules- check it out!

Games Workshop just unveiled the latest rules and what we can expect moving forward from Necromunda, and a slew of new releases hitting pre-order this week.

We thought when they first released the roadmap back near the beginning of the year that the Redemptionists were going to be the redacted gang, but they’ve already come out and the map still shows a new gang.

Roadmap feature rSo while rules are fun, it’s even better to guess about what’s coming next! Since they brought the Redemptionists back, we are hoping they pull back in another old gang as well.

Let’s get into the new releases, rules, and then check out the roadmap!

New Necromunda Releases Hitting Pre Order

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House of Shadow

If you serve House Delaque and have been patiently waiting for Necromunda: House of Shadow to arrive, your time has almost come. Available in 128-page hardback and ebook formats, the House of Shadow reveals the mysterious history behind the most secretive of the Great Houses. 

As with all gang expansions, this will add a ton of variety of interactions inside the game, making the world of Necromunda more exciting!

Delaque Gang Tactics Cards & Dice

As is per usual, you’ll be able to pick up some cards to help smooth the learning curve and some dice to pronounce your devotion to the gang.

Nacht-Ghul Psy-Gheists and Piscean Spektor set

To ensure your Delaque gang is kitted out with all their specialist fighters, grab yourself a Nacht-Ghul Psy-Gheists, and Piscean Spektor set – it contains a total of seven combatants, including Prospects, Brutes, Exotic Beasts, and a Champion. These reinforcements are ready to enter the fray equipped with a variety of unfathomable wargear from the armoury of the House of Shadows.

A new gang wouldn’t be complete without a new line of able bodies to serve. These will be essential to fighting for House Delaque.

Orlock Weapons & Upgrades set

It’s not all about House Delaque next week. The weaponsmiths from the House of Iron have been hard at work – the result is this handy Weapons & Upgrades set, which includes a variety of melee and special weapons to complement your Orlock fighters.

Every once and a while we also get an upgrade sprue to help spruce up the other factions. This will help give Orlock even more character and variation making tables look more unique.

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Lady Credo

Lady Credo may cover her face to mask her identity, but the dashing figure she strikes when wielding her masterwork sabre and pistol is unmistakable. She’s an exceptional all-rounder, so if your gang is after some added muscle of the very highest calibre, look no further.

New Delaque Rules & Necromunda 2021 Roadmap Revealed!

Warhammer Community hit us up with this preview recently for the new House of Shadow book:

Delaque rules Want to harm an opponent’s gang through word of mouth? Start spreading some rumors.

This is honestly pretty flavorful and strong at the same time. Just be sure you pass that check or people might start thinking you have the dumbest gang in town!

Delaque rules 2If you prefer to shoot mind-bullets rather than just hurtful words, you can now upgrade your Master of Shadow (Leader) or Phantom (Champion) to be a Psyker. This can happen either when you create your gang or by spending XP during a campaign, giving you some flexibility around when you unleash your psychic talent. Want to take out an enemy ganger? Why waste your own ammunition when you can just have them attack themselves?

This can dish out some damage against enemies with powerful Melee weapons, especially because it automatically hits.

Delaque rules 3House of Shadow also includes rules for Delaque-exclusive Hangers-on and Brutes, extra Dramatis Personae, and new alliances for your gang to form. For example, join up with the noble House Ty and you can use their Onmyodo Nulls to help shut down enemy Pskyers.

If you can get this up into the enemy gang and disrupt their lines this becomes awesome, if you can’t and it just sits in your lines, well, it’s not quite as good.

Necromunda Roadmap Revealed

Necromunda RoadmapWhile House of Shadow might feature rules for the last of the six “classic” gangs, this is by no means the end of the excitement in the underhive. We’ve got plenty more coming up for Necromunda this year – take a look at our new road map to see a selection of the releases that are heading your way.

First up, we’ll be getting new weapons and upgrades coming fairly soon, which is always nice, but Q4 is what really has our attention! They don’t really give much away here, but there are still some gangs we could see. Maybe we see the return of Ratskins?

That would be a decent guess since they seem to be updating old gangs instead of adding entirely new ones, and who didn’t love them? While the Corpsegrinders are kind of like a rebellious gang, they are far different from the Ratskins.

As for the allies, they’ve been making them all kinds of stuff, who knows? Maybe we get the return of the Plague Zombies!

What are your thoughts on the rules and the Necromunda Roadmap? What gang do you think we’ll see in Q4?

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