New Sisters Models, 40k Terrain & Necromunda Next Week!

Next-Week-New-sisters-of-battleThe new Sisters of Battle Combat Patol, Castigator tank, terrain, and more Necromunda releases are on the way to pre-order for next week.

Warhammer Community just let us in on all the new releases for pre-order this coming Saturday. Let’s go over the line-up starting with the Sisters releases.

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Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol

Adepta Sororitas Combat PatrolAs with the similar sets we’ve seen for other factions, Combat Patrol: Adepta Sororitas is an excellent option for both new and existing collections alike. With 26 miniatures, including a Canoness, Rhino, Penitent Engine, three Arco-flagellants, four Sisters Repentia, a Repentia Superior, five Seraphim, and 10 Battle Sisters, you’ll have plenty of units to start or boost your force.

 This box gives a good range of iconic models, making it a pretty great intro to the faction! Of course, it’s also sure to have good value for veterans looking to expand.


CastigatorThe Castigator is the mainstay of the Adepta Sororitas Vehicle pool. It comes kitted out with a frankly ludicrous number of heavy weapons – the largest of which is a choice of the Castigator’s bespoke, turret-mounted battle cannon or autocannons. You’ll have no problems praying your enemies away with the application of such extreme firepower.

We’ve known about this tank for quite a while, but it is finally coming out!

Aestred Thurga and Agathae Dolan

Aestred has the honour of bearing the Auto-Tapestry of the Emperor’s Judgement, a sacred banner of unrivalled significance among the Orders Militant. The Hagiolater Agathae Dolan follows in Thurga’s footsteps, tenaciously recording every inspirational deed of faith she witnesses.

These are another dope model that’s been a long time coming. It’s great to see more characters finally join the lineup.

Battlezone: Mechanicus Terrain

This box provides you with two double-sided, fold-out gaming boards and 13 pieces of accompanying terrain, so it’s perfect for playing Combat Patrol and Incursion missions. If even bigger battles are your thing, grab a second set to double the size of your battlefield and host Strike Force games. 

Together, the terrain and gaming boards depict the irradiated districts typical of forge worlds – use them to transform your tabletop into a thematic theatre of war ready for your epic clashes.

More terrain is always a good thing, especially for places when groups play a lot like LGSs!

Galvanic Magnavent, Ferratonic Furnace, and Transterranic Gantries

On the topic of Battlezone Mechanicus terrain, three kits are returning to the range, but they’re only available via – check out the Galvanic Magnavent, Ferratonic Furnace, and Transterranic Gantries.

Some old terrain is coming back for a time, so if you missed out and want it… Now is your time!

Battlezone: Mechanicum – Terrain Datasheet Cards

The Battlezone: Mechanicum – Terrain Datasheet Cards provide you with 22 datacards that contain all the rules for Tactical Terrain, Battlezones, and more. They’re designed to bring your Battlezone Mechanicus terrain to life, and they include handy diagrams that illustrate how your units interact with each scenery piece.

To help learn some of the terrain-specific rules or even add them to games, this set makes it all possible.

Battlezone: Mechanicus – Battlefield

Also available exclusively from is the terrain-free version of the Charadon gaming boards, the Battlezone: Mechanicus – Battlefield.

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House of Shadow

If you serve House Delaque and have been patiently waiting for Necromunda: House of Shadow to arrive, your time has almost come. Available in 128-page hardback and ebook formats, the House of Shadow reveals the mysterious history behind the most secretive of the Great Houses. 

As with all gang expansions, this will add a ton of variety of interactions inside the game, making the world of Necromunda more exciting!

Delaque Gang Tactics Cards & Dice

As is per usual, you’ll be able to pick up some cards to help smooth the learning curve and some dice to pronounce your devotion to the gang.

Nacht-Ghul Psy-Gheists and Piscean Spektor set

To ensure your Delaque gang is kitted out with all their specialist fighters, grab yourself a Nacht-Ghul Psy-Gheists, and Piscean Spektor set – it contains a total of seven combatants, including Prospects, Brutes, Exotic Beasts, and a Champion. These reinforcements are ready to enter the fray equipped with a variety of unfathomable wargear from the armoury of the House of Shadows.

A new gang wouldn’t be complete without a new line of able bodies to serve. These will be essential to fighting for House Delaque.

Orlock Weapons & Upgrades set

It’s not all about House Delaque next week. The weaponsmiths from the House of Iron have been hard at work – the result is this handy Weapons & Upgrades set, which includes a variety of melee and special weapons to complement your Orlock fighters.

Every once and a while we also get an upgrade sprue to help spruce up the other factions. This will help give Orlock even more character and variation making tables look more unique.

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Lady Credo

Lady Credo may cover her face to mask her identity, but the dashing figure she strikes when wielding her masterwork sabre and pistol is unmistakable. She’s an exceptional all-rounder, so if your gang is after some added muscle of the very highest calibre, look no further.

This is definitely one of the more unique-looking models, so if you want it, be sure to check it out next week!

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Siege of  Tera: The First Wall

Gav Thorpe takes up the baton to bring you one of the most explosive stages of Horus’ invasion as the Traitor forces gather to launch their assault upon the indomitable outer walls of the Emperor’s palace. Primarchs, god-engines, apocalyptic war machines, and more face off against one another in a battle that will echo through the ages.

Lion’s Gate Space Port Map

This battle is so epic that Black Library made a fancy map of the Lion’s Gate Space Port so you can track where the action is taking place (and also because maps like this are totally rad). Those who picked up the limited edition of The First Wall earlier this year may recognise it, as this is the very same map from that version of the book. 

Are you excited about the new Sisters and House Delaque releasing this week?

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