Screaming Eagles: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horWe’ve got a new GW rumor engine that looks like some sort of potential piece of gear or decoration resembling a screaming eagle head.

Warhammer Community just unveiled one more rumor engine and this time it looks like some sort of decoration depicting an eagle. Check out the details of this bit that look to be on the way for 40k or AoS!

Screaming Eagles: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 7-6-2021

At first glance, this looks a lot like an eagle or Gryphon head, which was used quite a bit in the empire of the old world and now in the Cities of Sigmar.

The big question comes down to could this be 40k and what would it even be used on? It seems much more likely to be AoS, but it technically could be 40k. If anything its probably either on the backpack of a space marine or perhaps on a chariot/staff in AoS

rumor engine possibility 7-6-2021

Now there isn’t really much at all to match that kind of item. However just to help reinforce the idea of Gryphons in Cities of Sigmar, we’ve included the Demigryph Knights as they were a huge part of elite cavalry available to the army.

Not to mention there are other examples of Eagle iconography within the remnants of the Empire. What might the model be?

What do you think this is? 

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