RUMORS: New Horus Heresy Character Miniature Spotted

horus heresy sons of horusA new Horus Heresy miniature was spotted on accident coming from what looks to be a Forge World mispack!

Imagine your surprise, you think you just got Maloghurst in the mail, then you open the pack, and the parts look nothing like you thought they would and you actually received an unrevealed mini instead!

Well, that’s exactly what happened to someone. Leakycheese posted a picture on Twitter recently that seems to show an entirely new Sons of Horus model.

horus heresy walpaper

This isn’t the first time Forge World or GW has done this, so it could be something they do on purpose every once in a while to build hype, or it could be a legitimate mistake. Either way, it’s fun to guess at!

Let’s take a closer look.

New Horus Heresy Mini Spotted in the Wild

This is the kit they got, and it’s quite obvious that’s not Maloghurst! There are a few rumors floating around as to who it is.

New HH Mini sons of horus character


New HH Mini sons of horus character


New HH Mini sons of horus character

It’s obviously Sons of Horus by the shoulder pads, so at least we can narrow it down there. The most obvious thing would be a Praetor, as they already previewed them for the Imperial Fists, so SoH could very easily be getting their own new set.

Rumors of What it is

AximandSome people seem to think it’s Aximand AKA little Horus, but it seems strange they would make it without his powersword, but it is definitely possible.

TarikOthers believe it could be a Tarik mini, which is possible, the cape makes sense and the head looks possible. Either he or Aximand could be possible, but not all the pieces look perfect.

New imperial fists Horus HeresyWhen compared with the Imperial Fists Praetor, it has a very similar feel, just more SoH flavor. With two head options, a similar scenic base, a power fist, and a bolter, this is probably the safest bet.

Either way looks like lots is on the way for Horus Heresy this year!

What do you think it is? Do you think this was to build hype or an actual mistake? 

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