Savage Boarboys are a Whirlwind of Death

Orruks feature rSavage Boarboys form a dangerous and deadly vanguard of the Orruk war clans, if they come charging full speed, things are going to die!

If you love greenskins, how can you not have a special place in your heart for these guys? Get on your biggest boar, and let’s learn about some more!

In the World

Savage BoarboysThe Bonesplitterz, the most savage Orruks in the Realms, employ a large number of greenskins to wage their Waaaghs. From hordes of savages armed with rusty spears to hulking Rogue Idols fueled by the power of Gorkamorka. The vanguard of these mighty armies usually consists of Savage Boarboys. These bands of fast and deadly warriors charge into battle on top of their mighty War Boars. With spear, shield, and tusk they’ll quickly cut a bloody path through any foe not prepared for their onslaught. Fuelled by nothing but feral bloodlust, they are often the first sight of a green tide.

The Boarboys come into the ranks of the Bonesplitterz like many other Orruks who just abandon their former lives for the feral and savage nature of Gorkamorka. What sets them apart from the other savages is their bond with their trusty War Boars. This bond between the greenskins and their mounts goes back all the way to the Age of Myth. However, the means of capturing boars are often crude. Lures with food, traps, and even torching entire woods are not out of the realm of possibility for eager greenskins. The War Boars are fed the bones of mighty foes in the belief that they’ll grow meaner and stronger.

In battle, the unfortunate foe will probably hear the rumbling of dozens of boars before even seeing the dust kicked up by the hordes. Only to be met with the sight of a wave of greenskins covered in tattoos and armed with spears mounted on equally savage boars. Sharp tusk and crude spear will crash into enemy lines with a savagery unmatched. Skewering bodies and trampling skulls with the feral might of the Waaagh!

On the Field

On the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Savage Boarboys are a battleline option for any Bonesplitterz or Big Waaagh! army. Their large amount of wounds and very fast movement make them ideal for fast attacks or harassment against large enemy units. Being able to be taken in units of 5 to 20 you can easily split them up to hit as many targets as possible. Thanks to this they are able to support your other Orruks by keeping annoying enemies off their backs.

Savage Boarboys are armed with long-range Savage Stikkas. While they need a 4+ to both hit and wound rolls they aren’t too powerful, but with 3 attacks and lots of Orruks you can easily take down even the hardiest of foes. Their War Boars will also attack with their Tusks and Hooves, while only have 2 attacks the boars can tip the scale. A lot of the Savage Boarboys are armed with powerful Bone Shields. These protect them from attacks and add 1 to their save rolls against melee attacks.

The leader of a band of Savage Boarboys is a Savage Boss, who has an extra attack with his melee weapons. He can also trade in his Savage Stikka for a Chompa, with less range but a higher chance to wound. One in every 5 models can be a mighty Boar Thumper, invigorating his kin with his mighty thumps. Giving himself and the entire unit an extra 2 to their charge rolls. One in every 5 models can be chosen to be a Bone Totem Bearer, carrying it to battle. The sight of the totem emboldens the Orruks, adding 1 to their bravery.

The savage wrath of boar and Greenskin is enough to break any line.

Learn More About Savage Boarboys Here!