Army List Building in AoS 3.0: Lumineth Realm-lords

lumineth-realm-lords-titleWith the new edition upon us, it’s time to look at list building AoS 3.0, starting with the Lumineth Realm-lords- check it out!

This week we are going to look at another newer army and how it might work in AoS 3.0, the Lumineth Realm-lords! This army is not for those looking to build on the cheap, as these guys have no current start collecting or starter set in production to date.

lumineth realm lords battletome

Get the Lumineth Realm-Lords Battletome

Also, the free terrain piece (which is a fricking floating island) will set you back 60 bucks right out of the gate. With that being said grab your bag of money and let’s dive into these guys.

List Building in AoS 3.0: Lumineth Realm-lords Part 1 of 2

Shrine feature rAbilities given to all armies:

  • Each unit can start with 1 Aetherquartz reserve that allows them to do one of the following once per battle per phase, they then must subtract 1 from bravery for the rest of the battle.
    • Add 1 to save rolls until the end of the phase.
    • Add 1 to hit rolls until the end of the phase.
    • Add 1 to a casting roll after it has been rolled or reroll it the casting roll, must be used before an unbinding roll has been rolled.
    • Cast 1 extra spell that phase.
  • You can pass the negative bravery to a Cathallars unit if wholly within 18” of the unit once per phase and instead of subtracting 1 from their bravery you subtract it from an enemy unit wholly within 18”
  • During the combat phase when you pick a unit to fight you can choose 2 instead of 1 to fight one after the other.
  • If a Vanari unit has the base of every model touching 2 or more friendly models it cannot run or charge, but you subtract 1 from hit rolls against them. They only pile in 1” as well.
  • Your Scinari Wizards can opt to not cast a spell so that in the next hero phase their first spell is automatically cast as if you rolled a 9.
  • A Hurakan model does not have to finish its pile in move closer to the nearest enemy model, and when it piles in it can fly and gets an extra 3.
  • An Alarith unit can say it is adopting mountain stance before the first battle round, which weapons with -1 rend no longer cause rend. At the end of each combat phase pick 1 enemy unit within 1” of each friendly Alarith unit and that unit moves 2” so they are outside of 1” if possible, then the Alarith unit can make a 3” pile in move.
  • Unique Spells, artifacts, and command traits.

Shrine Luminor: (the 60-dollar floating island terrain piece) 0 Points

  • Can be garrisoned by a single Lumineth Real Lord Hero that isn’t a monster. Once per turn, you can re-roll 1 casting, dispelling, or unbinding roll that is within 12” of this terrain feature. From the second battle round if this terrain feature is garrisoned, you can use a command ability without the command point being spent and add 12” to its range.


Well, those are some sweet rules, but they then get broken down into one of the six great nations. Today we will dive into two of them while next week we will finish up our list building by digging into the other four.

Great Nation of Ymetrica:

(all units gain keyword Ymetrica)

  • Mountain stance ignores rend of -2 and -1 rather than just -1
  • You can push an extra unit if you choose an Alarith unit to move at the end of your combat phase. If this unit is wholly within 18” of a Ymetrica Hero.
  • General must take command ability Almighty Blow: Instead of piling in pick a unit within 1” and roll a dice, on a 2+ that unit takes a D3 mortal wounds.
  • Must take Mountains Gift Artifact: Pick 1 melee weapon, once per phase, you can add 1 to the damage of that attack. The bearer also gains a 6+ ward save and ignores spells on a 5+

This army screams take monsters and so that is what we are going to focus on when we build this list. It is model light, but it takes advantage of the stone guard being your battleline, and it also lets you bring a lot of giant cows.

  • Avalenor, the Stoneheart King: 415 Points: Leader 1 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4
  • Alarith Stonemage: 130 Points, Leader 2 of 6
  • Alarith Stonemage: 130 Points, Leader 3 of 6
  • Lyrior Uthralle, Warden of Ymetrica: 215 Points, Leader 4 of 6
  • 10 Alarith Stonguard: 240 Points Reinforced 1 of 4, Battleline 1 of 3 required.
  • 10 Alarith Stonguard: 240 Points Reinforced 2 of 4, Battleline 2 of 3 required.
  • 10 Alarith Stonguard: 240 Points Reinforced 3 of 4, Battleline 3 of 3 required.
  • Alarith Spirit of the Mountain: 375 Points, Behemoth 2 of 4
  • Total 1985 Points.


This is a slow-moving hard-hitting force, so you need to be ready to take some hits from shooting and magic before you come to grips with your opponent. But once you take some ground with these guys you will be hard-pressed to give it up.

Great Nation of Syar:

(all units gain the SYAR keyword)

  • All units start with 2 Aetherquartz reserves rather than just 1.
  • Command Ability: Use with a friendly SYAR unit uses an Aetherquartz reserve and is wholly within 18” of an SYAR Hero. That unit can use 1 of its Aetherquartz reserves even if it has also already done so in this phase.
  • General gains Goading Arrogance command trait: At the start of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy hero within 6”. That hero can only target this general in addition add 1 to hit rolls that target that enemy hero in this phase.
  • Must take Perfect Blade Artifact: Pick 1 melee weapon, unmodified hit and wound rolls of 3+ always hit and wound that target and unmodified save rolls of 3 or less against those hits always fail.

This list screams a model-heavy army with lots of heroes to me that is kind of a jack of all trades. It has no monsters, but the mix of offensive and defensive units allows you to adapt to the battlefield, while the wide range of heroes gives you plenty of support.

  • Ellania and Ellathor, Eclipsian Warsages: 285 Points, Leader 1 of 6
  • Vanari Lord Regent: 155 Points, Leader 2 of 6
  • The Light of Eltharion: 250 Points Leader 3 of 6
  • Vamari Bannerblade: 120 Points Leader 4 of 6
  • Scinari Cathallar: 145 Points Leader 5 of 6
  • Scinari Loreseeker: 170 Points, Leader 6 of 6
  • 10 Vanari Auralan Wardens: 145 Points, Battleline 1 of 3 Required
  • 10 Vanari Auralan Wardens: 145 Points, Battleline 2 of 3 Required
  • 10 Auralan Sentinels: 150 Points, Battleline 3 of 3 Required
  • 10 Auralan Sentinels: 150 Points, Battleline
  • 10 Vanari Bladelords: 260 Points, No Unit Type, 1 of 4 Reinforced Units
  • Total 1975


No having monsters might hurt you during the year of the monster that is this year’s theme, but I like the way this army can ebb and flow with the tide of battle. You have the defensive and offensive output to outlast anyone in a longer battle, along with the maneuverability to take advantage of an area that might be weakened from your shooting.

There you have it 2 of the 6 great nations as well as the abilities that are granted to all Lumineth Realm Lords. Next time we will cover a list of the final 4 great nations. (Iliatha, Zaitrec, Alumnia, and Helon)


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