Warhammer 40k Hexfire: Unboxing & Value

what is it worth hexfire box 40k valueThe Grey Knights & Thousand Sons Hexfire box is here- check out Rob’s unboxing and thoughts on the new release!

We’re back unboxing the new big releases for the Grey Knights & Thousand Sons! Rob sees what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop, shows the size of the models, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Grey Knights & Thousand Sons Hexfire: Unboxing & Build

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Hexfire unboxingThis is the box we’re going to be looking at today. Rob does a great breakdown of the value for this, but if you want to see what you could save with this, check it out here.

One big change to note though, we originally thought the characters would be $35 but after looking at the sprues, they may be as high as $40-45 each. Just something interesting to note.

Hexfire unboxing 2The box also had a little book with Crusade rules, lore, and overall has some fun stuff in it.

Sprues & Instructions

Hexfire unboxing 3The reason Rob thinks these could be a little more expensive is that it’s a bigger sprue that would need a bigger box and don’t be surprised if this goes for upwards of $40.

Hexfire unboxing 4There are a bunch of sprues, an upgrade sprue for the Tzaangors, and all kinds of stuff.

Hexfire unboxing 5Crowe looks very easy to build with no real Gothchas (well not yet at least, there will be some later) and two different head options.

Hexfire unboxing 6You can magnetize the Dread if you want, but it is a little tricky because you have to magnetize everything to one bit. Still, it’s possible if you want to.

Infernal Master 5The Infernal Master also looks like it goes together fairly easily but the cape may provide some issues. Usually, when the cape is three pieces it can be annoying.

Get Rid of the Baby Carrier

pop goes the monkey kitPop Goes the Monkey has a really cool conversion kit to get rid of the baby carrier look, if you want to see more about how it all works, check that out here.

Pop Goes the MonkeyThis is what it will look like once it’s installed.

Assembly & Gotchas

Hexfire unboxing 8Crowe was actually a little harder than Rob expected. The main issue came when putting the legs and front together, there is actually a gap there that is a little confusing. After that, the cape goes on super tight so Rob recommends putting that on early in the process. It can create a gap between the arm if you don’t get the ammo feed correct.

Infernal Master

Infernal MasterThe design of this is actually really well done. Even the little swirl piece attaches to the terrain, which really allows for painting it in parts. The main thing to watch out for is the cape because it’s in three parts. There are a decent amount of mold lines but nothing out of the ordinary.

Infernal Master 2Rob did use the Tamiya Extra Thin Cement to help with this long gnarly gap on the cape, so be ready for that.

Infernal Master 3


Infernal Master 4He’s pretty big on a 40mm base, more about the size of an Occult Terminator.

Castellan Crowe



Crowe 2This is such a cool and dynamic sculpt! Overall (other than the issues above) the mini went together pretty well and Rob just really likes the look of this.

Crowe 3Rob did have a little trouble where the shoulder meets the cape because and it came out with a little gap.

Crowe 4


Crowe 5He’s pretty big and about the same size as Valoris and Mephiston.

Get Your Hexfire Box Models Here

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