GW Drops Tiny Charadon: The Book of Fire 40k FAQ

new-faqThe Charadon: The Book of Fire FAQ might be one of the smallest we’ve ever seen and one that addresses the problems barely at all.

The main issue with this FAQ is it has an errata on Be’lakor but doesn’t actually help anything. There have been a lot of questions asked, at least in the community about how certain interactions and keywords in this book work but unfortunately, none of that is dealt with.

While having clarification is generally a good thing, this one doesn’t change much. Oh well, still, if you play any of the armies from the book, it’s good to know what’s happening.

You can download the whole thing here. It’s only three changes, so we think we can manage to cover them all for you here.

GW Drops Tiny Charadon: The Book of Fire FAQ

Book of Fire FAQFirst up is a little clarification to how many Cultists you can take but nothing crazy. Just a clarification that characters don’t count After that, they specifically say cannot take Agents of the Imperium in an army of Renown.

It makes sense because the army is supposed to be highly focused on a certain force. If you were trying to fit in some Agents, it’s officially time to stop.

New Be'lakor sizeThe real issue with the Be’lakor FAQ is we basically knew it wasn’t supposed to be a faction keyword. So, what’s the problem? Well, the one cool thing about how we thought Be’lakor would work is that you could take both Daemons and Marines in one detachment that actually counted as a single one.

We thought they would change it to be that, now instead, you officially can’t take both without spending CP. It just seemed like a really cool list-building mechanic that they basically just said no to.

What do you think about the FAQ?

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