GW’s New Orks Combat Patrol Box Sprues Are Push-Fit!

40k-orks-wal-hor-titleCheck out what you can score in the new Orks combat patrol as GW has revealed the box and some push-fit sprue pics from the new set.

It looks like the new box is going to be exactly what was in the picture in the codex. GW has kind of been flip-flopping to keep us on our toes about which Combat Patrol pictures are actually the contents of the box. Some turn out to be identical, others are nothing like  (looking at you Necrons and Marines).

Anyway, the new box is pretty nice because it basically has all the new Greenskins (Non-Beast Snagga) stuff in it!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the contents of the box and even some sprues for the new Boyz. Let’s get into it!

New Orks Combat Patrol Box Sprues Are Push-Fit!

Orks Combat Patrol 4This is honestly a pretty fun box because you get Deffkoptas, a Dread, 20 of the new Boyz, and the new Warboss. So whether you’ve played for a while, or are just starting an army it is a good smattering of units.

Orks Combat Patrol 5With all the new minis there will probably be a really decent value inside for a lot of hobbyists just because this is the first chance to get them!

Orks Combat Patrol 6

Especially since the recent Beast Snagga releases did not have the Defkoptas, Boss, or Boyz in them. This looks to be the only place you can get them currently there’s a chance these will actually be paywalled for a while in this box.

New Sprues

Orks Combat Patrol 2


Orks Combat Patrol 3The new sprues look very Easy to Build (ETB) even though they didn’t show us the other side of the sprues, can see some clear indications of “J” and “T” joints that are hallmarks of this design.

Dont get us wrong though when you’re building a hundred or so Boyz, it’s super helpful to have ETB models for sure! Overall though the bits all look great and there are plenty of options.

Orks Pushfit (1)Speaking of options, the two for the new unit look to be slightly different Ork Nobz, and Big Shoota/ Rokkits.

The downside is it looks like you’re locked into a weird configuration of weapons: 5 Slugga/Choppas, 3 Shootas, 1 Nob, and 1 Rokkit Launcha/Big Shoota per 10 Boyz.  At least you can still get the multipart boyz kit at least if you’re looking to equip all your boyz one way or the other.

From the looks of it, this is a decent box for anyone wanting to collect Orks fast, and we hope they release the contents inside by themselves soon.

Will you be picking up this new Combat Patrol for your Orks? 

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This post was updated with a more thorough breakdown of components.