Goblin Warband New Pre-Order From Wargames Atlantic

Goblin Warband feature rGo to fantastical realms with the new Goblin Warband from Wargames Atlantic that is perfect for all you greenskin generals out there!

Wargames Atlantic is always coming out with incredible new models and their kits are always affordable and full of detail. These new Goblins are no exception, you’ll get 30 soldiers for only $35. Pretty hard to beat minis at basically a dollar apiece. Plus, the more you buy, the more you save, so if you want a hundred goblins or so, you can really save a bunch of cash!

Help these Goblins pillage new lands and just cause general anarchy with this awesome new kit. Just like with all of their other kits, even if you don’t use these for the original purpose, they make perfect bits for conversions. For the price, you can’t go wrong either way. It’s always good to find cheaper alternative minis, and we love to help support these great companies! Let’s jump into the preorder.

Goblin Warband: $34.95

Goblin WarbandWhether you are using these for a fantasy game or using them for conversion, they are pretty great. Also, if you bundle a few of these together, you get to save even more cash. If you love what Wargames Atlantic is up to, check out the rest of their releases we have covered.

Goblin Warband 4Let’s hear what they have to say about the new set:

The ancient enemy of the Free Kingdoms, the Goblin tribes are a constant threat. In normal times, the threat can be dealt with tribe by tribe by the warriors and militia of the High Queen, but recently there have been whisperings that some powerful warlord has begun to conquer and unite the tribes. Folk fear that this can only mean that War will soon stalk all the lands.

Goblin Warband 2This hard plastic box set allows you to field up to 30 Goblin warriors with options for spear, bow, and a variety of nasty hand weapons. A huge number of heads and other bits creates immense variety. Also, when paired with GIANT SPIDERS the goblins can be converted to spider cavalry.

Goblin Warband 3That does it for this one, now stop staring and go pre-order some!

Grab Your Goblins Here!