New Malifaux Minis Previews From Wyrd Games!

Malifaux feature 1 (2)There’s a lot to look forward to with the new Malifaux minis previews that are coming out over the next few months- check it out!

Wyrd Games has been pumping out the releases lately, and we’re loving it! It’s been a little while now since M3E kicked off, and it’s always nice to see a company keeping the releases coming as the game grows. If you haven’t played the game before, now is the best time to get into it. With so many new minis, there is a ton of variety in every game.

The next few months are going to see 4 different releases with a ton of minis for all the factions. Let’s get into the upcoming releases!

The Dreamer Insomniac:

Malifaux minis


Malifaux minis 2We love the idea of this new mini because who doesn’t have a hard time sleeping, like all the time? If you love all things Malifaux, check out the latest news here

On the table, the Dreamer’s sleeping troubles are reflected by his constant nature to rapidly exist and then not exist in Malifaux via his Bury mechanics with Abilities such as Drifting Off and Insomnia. While he is still a card manipulator at heart, his Peer Into Dreams Action takes a different approach by discarding cards from his opponent’s Fate Deck rather than his own.

Lady Yume:

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Malifaux minis 4With both the Nightmare and Oni keywords, Lady Yume will be joining both Asami and Dreamer on the table. In both crews, she provides plenty of utility by positioning her enemies with her Hole in the World Trigger and her Coil Around Prey Bonus Action while also utilizing the unique resources and Place mechanics of her allies, providing card manipulation through her Warp the Veil and From Two Worlds Abilities.  

Sonnia Criid:

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Malifaux minis 8Now take this overall concept and imagine the possibilities with every single Master in the game. Not only will these variances create new playstyles, but it also makes some existing Masters that are more easily-countered see more play. Every single Master will be getting this treatment with the upcoming book release (and more, but that news will come in another Waldo’s Weekly!).

Asami Tanka:

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Malifaux minis 6Mechanically, Asami will be taking a break from summoning and will instead focus on keeping her Oni crew on the table by maintaining a stronger control over her Flicker Tokens without having to lose health in the process. Her new Ability, Flickering Lanterns, will allow her to peel off a Flicker Token from a nearby Oni with ease. Unstable Rift, a new Trigger on her melee Action, will give her another opportunity to keep the Flicker Tokens down, as well as reposition her opponents with a Rift Marker.

That does it for this one, just some great minis to look forward to!

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