Warhammer+ Launch & Figures Coming Next Week!

Check out all the new releases including Direchasm, Forge World, & the launch of Warhammer+ next week!

Warhammer Community just let us in on all the new releases for pre-order this coming Saturday. Let’s go over the line-up starting with the Warhammer+ launch and then diving into pre-orders.


Warhammer+ Launch

This launches on Wednesday, so be sure to check back before Saturday on this one!

warhammer+ launchRight from the off, you’ll have access to brand new Warhammer animations and a stash of ancient lore in the form of out-of-print books and White Dwarf issues in the Warhammer Vault. There are also plenty of exclusive hobby shows on the way, including Citadel Colour Masterclass, Loremasters, Battle Report, and more. 

The official platform for Warhammer Entertainment is launching with its own suite of benefits. If you are all about Warhammer, this new service seems like an incredible value.

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Warhammer Underworlds Arena Mortis

direchasm arena mortisThat’s right – the fan-favourite Warhammer Underworlds: Arena Mortis is returning* with a fresh ruleset updated for the most recent season of the game. Pitch your warriors against their rivals in brutal, one-on-one battles to see if you can become the champion of the arena.

Extra ways to play the games are always a boon, so if you are a fan itching for something else to do with your warbands this is a great option for you.

Grand Alliance Destruction Dice

grand alliance destruction dice

Warhammer Underworlds: Grand Alliance Destruction Dice are available to pre-order from next Saturday, ready to roll crits for your destructive deity of choice. 

deamonslayer-knight mkii 2New MKII Design- Get it Now!

If you play any of the destruction warbands, these will be a surefire way to mix up your regalia while playing.

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Imperial Fists Legion Praetors

imp fist praetorsFrom next Friday, Horus Heresy players can pre-order not one, but two mighty Legion Praetors for the Imperial Fists. The first is bedecked in intricately decorated Mk III power armour and armed with a power sword, while the other dons some pretty colossal Cataphractii Terminator armour and wields a power sword and a Vigil pattern storm shield. 

Not only do these look amazing, but you might be able to find a use for them as “count-as” minis in your Black Templar/Imperial Fist 40k forces!

Space Marine Legion Graviton Gun Set

Space Marine Legion Graviton Gun Set

Relics from the distant past, these frightening weapons turn their target’s mass against itself, rupturing organic matter and ceramite alike.

These new weapon options are sure to bring more variety to legions and also more options to play on the tabletop!

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The Art of Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer Fantasy Battles

The Art of Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer Fantasy BattlesNot only is this a beautiful edition packed with gorgeous art from various eras of Warhammer, but it contains insights into the artists’ transition from the Old World to the Age of Sigmar to boot.

Artbooks are always fun to flip through and get a little bit of a “behind-the-scenes” look into our favorite universes.

Sanction & Sin

Sanction & SinThis Warhammer Crime anthology collects nine short stories set in the sprawling city of Varangantua, including works by Mike Brooks, Darius Hinks, and more. 

The Return of Nagash

The Return of Nagash

Fill your ears with one of the pivotal points in the histories of both the World-that-Was and the Mortal Realms – the resurrection of the Great Necromancer himself. 

Are you excited about Warhammer+ releasing this week? How about the new Direchasm expansion?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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