Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ Errata Breakdown By Faction!

By Travis Perkins | September 14th, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

new-aos-3.0-faqGW just gave us a massive Aos 3.0 FAQ Errata and today we are going to jump into all the changes brought to us by faction!

There was a full Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ Errata and for some armies it could make a big difference. Plus having all the Forge World stuff is pretty cool though.

Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ Errata Breakdown By Faction!

We’ll highlight some of the big changes below for the first set of factions we’re covering, and if you want to download everything you can check them all out here.  Even the most recent Broken Realms books are receiving errata, so they are definitely worth looking at to see what is changing.

Let’s start with the Chaos side of things. I decided not to cover any changes to the legends books as those are phased out of matched play.

Beasts of Chaos & Blades of Khorne

beasts of chaos

  • Battletome: Beasts of Chaos
    • Ungor Raiders, Baying Anger Change the rule to: ‘Add 1 to wound rolls for shooting attacks made by this unit while it has 10 or more models.
    • Dragon Ogors, Description Add the following: ‘ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.

Some minor changes but the Dragon Ogors getting the ability to use command points on them is a nice bonus. The Baying Anger is a little bit of a nerf. I would rather reroll hit rolls of 1 and 2 if the unit has more than 30 models but re-rolling wound rolls are always nice. Overall not much of a change here, which is a shame as Beasts of Chaos could use some love.

  • Battletome: Blades of Khorne
    • Slaves to Darkness units without the mark of chaos unit cannot be included as a coalition unit.
    • Coalition units do not count towards battleline units but do count towards leader, behemoth, and artillery units. They cannot be generals and are ignored when determining if all units are from a single faction.
    • Banners of Khorne, Banner of Wrath Change the rule to: ‘At the start of the combat phase, roll a dice for each enemy unit within 8″ of the bearer. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
    • Judgements of Khorne Delete all rules on this page. Judgements of Khorne use the rules for invocations (core rules, 20.3).

Not much of a change here outside of some cleanup with the judgements rules and rewording of the Batter or Wrath. Another book that needs a massive update soon.

Not much of a change with Blades of Khorne, though in the new Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ Errata

Cities of Sigmar & Daughters of Khaine

empire free peoples cities of sigmar wal hor

  • Battletome: Cities of Sigmar
    • Coalition units do not count towards battleline units but do count towards leader, behemoth, and artillery units. They cannot be generals and are ignored when determining if all units are from the single faction, except for Aventis Firestrike in a Hammerhal army.
    • Mages of the Whitefire Court Change the rule to: Hallowheart Wizards can attempt to cast 1 extra spell in your hero phase. In addition, Hallowheart Wizards know 2 spells from the Lore of Whitefire (pg 75) instead of 1
    • Standing Contracts Change to: ‘1 in every 4 units in a Tempest’s Eye army can be a coalition unit (see the ‘Stormkeeps’ battle trait) from the Kharadron Overlords faction. Those units gain the Cities of Sigmar and Tempest’s Eye keywords.

A little bit of a buff to the Mages of Whitefire Court so they know more spells overall. Then some rule cleanups with the standing contracts and coalition units wording, but overall, no nerfs or buffs to this battletome. Which they are in pretty good shape so that is expected.

  • Battletome: Daughters of Khaine
    • The Shadow Queen Change the Rend characteristic of Heartrender to ‘-2’.
    • Bloodwrack Shrine, Description Change the description to: ‘A Bloodwrack Shrine is a single model armed with a Bloodwrack Stare, Bloodwrack Spear, Whisperclaw and Tail of Serpents. CREW: This unit’s shrine has an aelf crew that attack with their Goadstaves. For rules purposes, the crew are treated in the same manner as a mount.’


So the Shadow Queen gets her -2 Rend back which makes her hit harder and makes her more worth her points. She is still an auto-include in most Daughters of Khaine armies so that is a bonus to them. Then some clean up with the Bloodwrack shrine rules and they are in a better place than they were before the FAQ came out.

Tzeentch & Fryeslayers

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  • Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch
    • Slaves to Darkness units without the mark of chaos unit cannot be included as a coalition unit.
    • Coalition units do not count towards battleline units but do count towards leader, behemoth, and artillery units. They cannot be generals and are ignored when determining if all units are from a single faction.
    • Horrors of Tzeentch Replace this warscroll with the one in this document.

This is a bit of a NERF on the pink horrors of Tzeentch, in that the new warscroll states that if they run they do not split and split again, and you cannot return models that have split and split again. The icon bearer no longer brings back pink horrors either, instead they give a bonus fate point on a 3+. They do get a 5+ save now from the drummer which is nice…. These guys are now a little overpriced for what they do, and the nerf should hurt the Tzeentch players overall that would bring back pink horrors through emerald life swarm or other means.

  • Battletome: Fyreslayers
    • Magmic Invocations Delete all rules on this page. Magmic Invocations use the rules for invocations (core rules, 20.3)

Just some rule clean up with the Fyreslayers, these guys could use some new models and updated rules but overall are not in as bad of shape as some other armies.

Gloomspite Gitz & Hedonites

gloomspite gitz age of sigmar how to play

  • Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz
    • Squig Hoppers, Boing! Boing! Boing! Change the rule to: ‘After this unit has made a normal move, run or retreat, pick 1 enemy unit and roll a dice for each model in this unit that passed across a model from that unit. For each 4+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.

Added run and retreat to the squig hoppers which is a nice little bonus, but besides that didn’t do anything to this battletome.

  • Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh
    • Slaves to Darkness units without the mark of chaos unit cannot be included as a coalition unit.
    • 1 in every 4 units in the army can be a coalition unit from the Beasts of Chaos faction that does not have the Tzeentch keyword. Those units gain the Slaanesh keyword.
    • Coalition units do not count towards battleline units but do count towards leader, behemoth, and artillery units. They cannot be generals and are ignored when determining if all units are from a single faction.

This is another army that is just some rules cleanup, though they added the Beast of Chaos faction keyword not many people are going to use it, still, it’s nice for those that want to add beasts to their army.

Kharadron & Maggotkin



  • Battletome: Kharadron Overlords
    • Spell in a bottle cannot control an endless spell.
    • If you fly high you cannot charge but you can still shoot.
    • You can use fly high for moves granted by effects.
    • Other units from outside a units battalion can be set up inside a flying transport as a garrison.
    • Amendment – Take Help Where You Can Get It: Change to: ‘1 in every 4 units in a Barak-Thryng army can be a coalition unit (see below) from the Cities of Sigmar or Fyreslayers faction that has the Duardin keyword. Those units gain the Barak-Thryng keyword.
    • Coalition units do not count towards battleline units but do count towards leader, behemoth, and artillery units. They cannot be generals and are ignored when determining if all units are from a single faction.

Just some wording cleanup and some rules clarification which these needed some so it is an improvement. Fly high is much improved with being allowed to shoot, and you can use fly high for moves granted by effects like core rules battalions. These guys are in a better stop in 3.0 than they were before.

  • Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle
    • Slaves to Darkness units without the mark of chaos unit cannot be included as a coalition unit.
    • Coalition units do not count towards battleline units but do count towards leader, behemoth, and artillery units. They cannot be generals and are ignored when determining if all units are from a single faction.

No changes to the Maggotkin of Nurgle, which is another army that could use some serious updating for the new edition.

Mawtribes & Bonereapers

ogor wal 2 Trav's Hot Takes: 3 Ogor Mawtribes Army Lists

  • Battletome: Ogor Mawtribes
    • Relics of the Everwinter, The Rime Shroud Change the rule to: ‘Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with missile weapons that target the bearer.

A little bit of an upgrade for the relic but nothing else for the Mawtribes, with the bonus to Monsters though in the current edition this army is doing alright.

  • Battletome: Orruks Warclans
    • No Changes

No surprise here with a rumored battletome right around the corner.

Ossiarch Bonereapers

feast of bones box set bonereapers

  • Battletome: Ossiarch Bonereapers
    • The restriction that you cannot use the same command ability more than once in the same phase does not apply to command abilities used with relentless discipline points. For example, you can use the Shieldwall command ability on the Mortek Guard warscroll more than once in the same phase, as long as that command is issued by a model that has not already issued a command in that phase and it is received by a unit that has not already received a command in that phase.
    • Arkhan the Black, Staff of Spirits Change the second sentence of the rule to: ‘In addition, this model can attempt to cast Arcane Bolt any number of times in the same hero phase, even if another Wizard has already attempted to cast the spell in that phase.’
    • Immortis Guard, Description Add the following: ‘ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.’ Page 106 – Necropolis Stalkers, Description Add the following: ‘ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.’ Page 107 – Morghast Archai, Description Add the following: ‘ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.’ Page 107 – Morghast Harbingers, Description Add the following: ‘ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.’

Some cleanup to the army that was using specialized command points before they changed everything in 3.0 which makes them more usable in 3.0. Then some rule cleanup for elite models so that they can issue commands to themselves. Overall, this is an improvement as it lets you use layering and multiple arcane bolts for Arkhan is pretty sweet, but they are not the power house there were before 3.0 dropped.

Seraphon & Skaven

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  • Battletome: Seraphon
    • Scaly Skin does not apply to moral wounds.
    • Lore of the Celestial Domination, Drain Magic Change the rule to: ‘Drain Magic has a casting value of 9. If successfully cast, all endless spells within 24″ of the caster that are not bonded are dispelled.’
    • Saurus Sunblood, Scent of Weakness Change the rule to: ‘You can use this command ability when you pick a friendly Saurus unit to fight in the combat phase. That unit must receive the command. Until the end of that phase, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by that unit.’
    • Engine of the Gods, Keywords Add the PRIEST keyword to the keywords section

Adding priests to the Engine of the Gods is nice as it will give them some bonuses, but the rest of these rules are more of a NERF to the Saurus run armies of Seraphon. It does kind of pigeonhole the Seraphon players into more skink armies which is a shame.


skaven battletome aos wal hor

  • Battletome: Skaven
    • Verminlord Warpseer, Scry-orb Change the rule to: ‘Add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target this model. In addition, once per battle, in your shooting phase, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 13″ of this model and visible to it. That unit suffers D6 mortal wounds, but for the rest of the battle, you cannot use this ability to add 1 to save rolls for this model.
    • Giant Rats, Wave of Rats Change the rule to: ‘The Range characteristic of this unit’s Vicious Teeth is 2″ while it has 6 or more models. In addition, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by this unit while it has 6 or more models.

Some rules clarifications for the Verminlord Warpseer and then changing the giant rats to be the number the General’s Handbook lists rather than series of 10. Overall, no major changes to the Skaven which they have a lot of different options to them so are in a decent spot with 3.0. (See Stormvermin)

Slaves to Darkness & Sons of Behemat

  • Battletome: Slaves to Darkness
    • Archaon, The Eye of Sheerian Change the rule to: ‘Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase, you can say that Archaon will use the Eye of Sheerian. If you do so, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this unit until your next hero phase.
    • Varanguard, Description Add the following: ‘ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.’
    • Slaughterbrute, Keywords Add the Mark of Chaos keyword to the keywords section. Page 110 – Mutalith Vortex Beast, Keywords Add the Mark of Chaos keyword to the keywords section.

Archaon takes a little nerf here with the Eye of Sheerian but overall, he is still a solid demi god for most chaos armies in 3.0. Adding the elite trait, the Varanguard is nice which lets them be a little bit more of a lone wolf unit. Finally adding the mark of chaos to Slaughterbrute and Vortexbeast is a nice addition to what seemed like a GW oversight.

  • Battletome: Sons of Behemat
    • Longshanks Change the rule to: ‘When this unit makes a normal move, run or retreat, it can ignore other models and terrain features when you trace the path of its move across the battlefield, but it cannot finish that move within 3″ of an enemy unit.’

Just a cleanup of the Longshanks rule and removes the 10 or wounds less restriction. Overall is a small boost to the Sons of Behemat, and in the new meta they are doing well.


Soulblight Gravelords, Stormcast Eternals, & Sylvaneth

  • Battletome: Soulblight Gravelords
    • Artefacts of Power, Morbheg’s Claw Change the last sentence to: ‘However, the bearer cannot make a normal move, run, retreat, make a charge move, shoot or fight until your next hero phase.’
    • Spell Lores, Vile Transference Change the rule to: ‘Vile Transference is a spell that has a casting value of 7. If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within 3″ of the caster that is visible to them. Roll a number of dice equal to that enemy unit’s Wounds characteristic. For each 6, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound, and you can heal 1 wound allocated to the caster.’
    • Deadwalker Zombies, The Newly Dead Add the following to the end of the rule: ‘Models that are added to this unit must be set up within 1″ of a model in this unit. They can only be set up within 3″ of an enemy unit if a model in this unit is already within 3″ of that enemy unit. Models added to this unit using this ability can take it above its maximum size.’12

The claw artefact is some clean up to the wording of it so that it wont be misinterpreted in play. Vile Transference got a bit harder to cast, and a shortened range but dealing a mortal wound along with healing 1 makes it a good take on your vampire units. Then some wording on the Zombies on how you can return them from the grave when they are in combat. Overall mostly cleanup but I like the new Vile Transference as a better spell that it was previously.

  • Battletome: Stormcast Eternals
    • Just a rules clarification on Yndrastas monster ability.

This is unsurprising as there is a new Stormcast eternals battletome right around the corner.

  • Battletome: Sylvaneth
    • Awakened Wyldwood is a Wyldwood (core rules 17.1.4).
    • Winterleaf, Branch Blizzard Change the rule to: ‘You can use this command ability when you pick a friendly Winterleaf unit to shoot in your shooting phase. That unit must receive the command. Until the end of that phase, if the unmodified hit roll for a shooting attack made by that unit is 6, that attack causes 1 mortal wound to the target in addition to any damage it inflicts.’

The Branch Blizzard is a little bit of a nerf if you are playing against horde based units, but besides that it is a boost to your ranged hunter units. However, your hunters only have two shots a piece and besides them there are not many ranged units, so it doesn’t really benefit you. Wyldwoods got hammered in that they removed the ability to allow Sylvaneth to teleport between the two of them which is a pretty large nerf.

All the Latest on Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ Errata

So that is it for our part one of the new Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ Errata by faction, join us next week as we wrap it up with the broken realms books and core rules!

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