Forge World Win A Titan Giveaway is Region Locked!

win a titan contest forge worldBig ooof- it looks like the Forge World Warlord Win A Free Titan Giveaway is going to be region locked.

Why does a global company do a not global giveaway? That’s a good question, they say it has to do with giveaway laws, so I guess we can’t be too mad, but just as a heads up, if you’re in Canada, The US, Northern Ireland, or Ireland, don’t go too crazy on a Forge World shopping spree thinking you could win this giveaway!

As they already charge us more for just paying in our own currency and shipping from our own country, but can’t figure out how to give a little back… this just puts a sour taste in our mouths.

Forge World Win A Titan Giveaway is Region Locked!

Warlord titanSo here is one of the Warlord Titans you could win if you live in the UK, and entering is pretty simple. You get one entry for every £100 you spend, meaning the winner will most likely spend a lot of cash. Still, for the one winner, this is going to be quite the prize. Here’s what they have to say about entering the contest:

So how do you go about entering this colossal competition? We’re glad you asked – it’s incredibly easy. Simply sign up to receive the Forge World newsletter, and for every £100 you spend at Forge World, you’ll get one entry into the competition. Yep, you can enter multiple times! 

Terms and conditions apply, of course, and due to boring, non-Titan things like regional competition laws and, as mentioned, the promotion won’t be running everywhere (sorry to Ireland, Northern Ireland, and North America).

At least they clued us in on the eligibility in the article, because that Terms and conditions link leads to no where!

Error Forge WorldThis is where the terms and conditions link took us

As of this writing terms and conditions page doesn’t seem to be working (at the time of writing this) so hopefully, they will get that updated soon because it would be good to know all the rules.

Do Better GW

Sales by territoryAccording to these sales numbers from last year, North America is by far their biggest market.  So this really puts a sour taste in your mouth when they are running a giant campaign and about half of their fanbase is excluded. While it may just have to do with giveaway laws, it seems strange. Plenty of global companies do giveaways all over the world, so we’re not sure why this is such an issue.

It almost makes us wonder why even run a contest at all if it is going to be so polarizing to some of their largest markets…

Will you be entering if you can? Are you excited about the giveaway?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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