GW is Walking Back Their Free Ork Promotion Now

orks-walkbackcoinGames Workshop is walking back their free Ork promotion after realizing there may have been a few problems with it.

When we first looked at the Ork coin promotion, we thought it was very strange they specifically said you would be receiving a Nob. Especially when they normally just open a box and give you a random mini from it.

GW is Walking Back Their Free Ork Promotion

Just know, these aren’t out till the 4th, so don’t rush out before Saturday if you want one.

Ork CoinYou’ll be able to pick up one of these coins from the 4th of September, but they’re only available while stocks last, so hop in your Shokkjump Dragsta and get to your local store pronto.

We’ve seen this one for months and months now, so it’ll be nice to actually be able to grab it! Well, you could have bought one on eBay a while ago. If you buy just the codex, you only need to spend another $50 to grab the coin.

The Change in Minis

This was the first time they said you would specifically be getting a certain mini, and at some point when somebody realized the issue, it didn’t take long to walk it back. Still, at least they make the correction before the mini actually hit stores.

The other nice thing they did this time was actually put “update” in the post instead of just changing it. Like they just changed the Black Templars flamer preview overnight from D2 to D1.

Anyway, let’s look at the promotion then check out the new model.

orks coin old miniThis was the originally promised mini, and they didn’t even say it might be a Nob. They specifically said this is what you were getting. We had a suspicion this would eventually be the case, check out what they said below in the original text:

You’ll also be able to pick up September’s Miniature of the Month. If you’ve recently got some Beast Snaggas or are planning to get some of the new Boyz, we have some good news – it’s an Ork Nob, perfect for orderin’ yer ladz about on the battlefield.

New Ork promo miniHere’s the new mini, which is just what we expected, there’s no way they were going to break open that many boxes to give everyone a Nob. Here’s the new info about the mini:

The original version of this article showed a different Ork Nob, who was clearly eager to grab himself five minutes of fame. That Nob has been reprimanded and the picture below now shows the correct miniature of the month, though it’s worth noting that the model you receive may differ depending on which Warhammer store you visit.

Either way, a free mini is a free mini, and to complain about that is probably just over the top. We get why stores may have been concerned as that is their community, and they are more boots on the ground dealing with issues like this.

Look for a free Ork mini at Games Workshop stores starting tomorrow September 4th.

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Did you think the Nob was too good to be true? 

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